Game between 224734 on the south side, and 224952 on the north side.
Nr | Pit | Agent | Comment | When |
0 | 1 | 224734 |
Best move: 8 Eval: 1.75 Depth: 11 depth only searched on the most promising moves |
1 | 6 | 224734 |
Best move: 7 Eval: 2.25 Depth: 17 depth only searched on the most promising moves |
2 | 4 | 224952 |
3 -2H -> 11D 2H 1429.34ms |
3 | 3 | 224734 |
Best move: 5 Eval: 3.25 Depth: 17 depth only searched on the most promising moves |
4 | 3 | 224952 |
2 -2H -> 11D -1H 2230.87ms |
5 | 2 | 224734 |
Best move: 5 Eval: 6.25 Depth: 20 depth only searched on the most promising moves |
6 | 1 | 224952 |
0 -2H -> 10D -8H 1366.88ms |
7 | 7 | 224734 |
Best move: 2 Eval: 6.75 Depth: 21 depth only searched on the most promising moves |
8 | 4 | 224952 |
3 -2H -> 10D -8H 1910.07ms |
9 | 8 | 224952 |
7 -1H -> 10D -8H 3098.14ms |
10 | 6 | 224734 |
Best move: 7 Eval: 6.25 Depth: 23 depth only searched on the most promising moves |
11 | 7 | 224734 |
Best move: 6 Eval: 6.25 Depth: 23 depth only searched on the most promising moves |
12 | 1 | 224734 |
Best move: 3 Eval: 6.25 Depth: 22 depth only searched on the most promising moves |
13 | 5 | 224952 |
4 6H -> 9D -2H 1078.34ms |
14 | 3 | 224734 |
Best move: 1 Eval: 7.25 Depth: 23 depth only searched on the most promising moves |
15 | 8 | 224734 |
Best move: 3 Eval: 5.25 Depth: 23 depth only searched on the most promising moves |
16 | 8 | 224734 |
Best move: 8 Eval: 5.25 Depth: 22 depth only searched on the most promising moves |
17 | 6 | 224734 |
Best move: 8 Eval: 5.25 Depth: 22 depth only searched on the most promising moves |
18 | 8 | 224734 |
Best move: 6 Eval: 5.75 Depth: 22 depth only searched on the most promising moves |
19 | 5 | 224734 |
Best move: 8 Eval: 4.25 Depth: 23 depth only searched on the most promising moves |
20 | 8 | 224734 |
Best move: 7 Eval: 5.25 Depth: 7 depth only searched on the most promising moves |
21 | 7 | 224734 |
Best move: 8 Eval: 4.25 Depth: 23 depth only searched on the most promising moves |
22 | 2 | 224952 |
1 -2H -> 10D -6H 1243.03ms |
23 | 2 | 224734 |
Best move: 7 Eval: 4.25 Depth: 23 depth only searched on the most promising moves |
24 | 6 | 224734 |
Best move: 8 Eval: 6.25 Depth: 5 depth only searched on the most promising moves |
25 | 7 | 224734 |
Best move: 3 Eval: 5.25 Depth: 6 depth only searched on the most promising moves |
26 | 3 | 224734 |
Best move: 7 Eval: 4.25 Depth: 23 depth only searched on the most promising moves |
27 | 5 | 224952 |
4 -6H -> 9D -2H 1268.73ms |
28 | 5 | 224734 |
Best move: 1 Eval: 3.75 Depth: 20 depth only searched on the most promising moves |
29 | 1 | 224952 |
0 -6H -> 10D -6H 2592.44ms |
30 | 6 | 224734 |
Best move: 7 Eval: 4.75 Depth: 9 depth only searched on the most promising moves |
31 | 5 | 224952 |
4 -6H -> 10D -5H 1877.16ms |
32 | 7 | 224734 |
Best move: 6 Eval: 3.25 Depth: 24 depth only searched on the most promising moves |
33 | 4 | 224734 |
Best move: 8 Eval: 3.25 Depth: 20 depth only searched on the most promising moves |
34 | 7 | 224952 |
6 -8H -> 9D -1H 750.178ms |
35 | 4 | 224952 |
3 -6H -> 9D -1H 957.788ms |
36 | 8 | 224952 |
7 -5H -> 10D -5H 3677.91ms |
37 | 5 | 224734 |
Best move: 8 Eval: 2.25 Depth: 14 depth only searched on the most promising moves |
38 | 6 | 224734 |
Best move: 7 Eval: 4.25 Depth: 15 depth only searched on the most promising moves |
39 | 5 | 224952 |
4 -6H -> 10D -8H 2307.05ms |
40 | 3 | 224734 |
Best move: 6 Eval: 9.75 Depth: 24 depth only searched on the most promising moves |
41 | 6 | 224952 |
5 -3H -> 12D -10H 2767.06ms |
42 | 7 | 224734 |
Best move: 4 Eval: 5.25 Depth: 9 depth only searched on the most promising moves |
43 | 7 | 224952 |
6 -2H -> 11D -6H 2338.18ms |
44 | 6 | 224734 |
Best move: 1 Eval: 9.25 Depth: 15 depth only searched on the most promising moves |
45 | 6 | 224952 |
5 -8H -> 12D -11H 2646.05ms |
46 | 3 | 224734 |
Best move: 4 Eval: 7.25 Depth: 10 depth only searched on the most promising moves |
47 | 1 | 224952 |
0 -4H -> 13D -8H 1643.27ms |
48 | 4 | 224734 |
Best move: 3 Eval: 10.25 Depth: 25 depth only searched on the most promising moves |
49 | 2 | 224952 |
1 -5H -> 13D -9H 2922.08ms |
50 | 1 | 224734 |
Best move: 5 Eval: 12.65 Depth: 16 depth only searched on the most promising moves |
51 | 1 | 224952 |
0 -8H -> 14D -14H 1477.45ms |
52 | 2 | 224734 |
Best move: 5 Eval: 12.925 Depth: 22 depth only searched on the most promising moves |
53 | 4 | 224952 |
3 -6H -> 13D -12H 1461.84ms |
54 | 6 | 224734 |
Best move: 5 Eval: 12.35 Depth: 21 depth only searched on the most promising moves |
55 | 7 | 224952 |
6 -6H -> 13D -11H 2211.83ms |
56 | 5 | 224734 |
Best move: 7 Eval: 12.925 Depth: 20 depth only searched on the most promising moves |
57 | 3 | 224734 |
Best move: 7 Eval: 12.925 Depth: 20 depth only searched on the most promising moves |
58 | 5 | 224952 |
4 -7H -> 12D -13H 1185.36ms |
59 | 7 | 224734 |
Best move: 4 Eval: 12.925 Depth: 20 depth only searched on the most promising moves |
60 | 8 | 224734 |
Best move: 4 Eval: 11.775 Depth: 18 depth only searched on the most promising moves |
61 | 3 | 224952 |
2 -11H -> 13D -1000000010H 1502.94ms |
62 | 6 | 224734 |
Best move: 4 Eval: 14.625 Depth: 18 depth only searched on the most promising moves |
63 | 6 | 224952 |
5 -11H -> 13D -1000000014H 1537.59ms |
64 | 8 | 224734 |
Best move: 2 Eval: 13.375 Depth: 14 depth only searched on the most promising moves |
65 | 7 | 224734 |
Best move: 2 Eval: 13.375 Depth: 13 depth only searched on the most promising moves |
66 | 4 | 224734 |
Best move: 8 Eval: 12.55 Depth: 11 depth only searched on the most promising moves |
67 | 7 | 224952 |
6 -12H -> 21D -1000000016H 1306.71ms |
68 | 5 | 224952 |
4 -11H -> 20D -1000000016H 1093.2ms |
69 | 6 | 224734 |
Best move: 8 Eval: 12.325 Depth: 7 depth only searched on the most promising moves |
70 | 6 | 224952 |
5 -10H -> 27D -1000000016H 657.313ms |
71 | 3 | 224734 |
Best move: 8 Eval: 13.975 Depth: 7 depth only searched on the most promising moves |
72 | 8 | 224952 |
7 -10H -> 27D -1000000016H 703.405ms |
73 | 8 | 224734 |
Best move: 3 Eval: Infinity Depth: 19 depth only searched on the most promising moves |
74 | 5 | 224734 |
Best move: 8 Eval: Infinity Depth: 21 depth only searched on the most promising moves |
75 | 8 | 224734 |
Best move: 5 Eval: Infinity Depth: 23 depth only searched on the most promising moves |
76 | 7 | 224734 |
Best move: 8 Eval: Infinity Depth: 25 depth only searched on the most promising moves |
77 | 8 | 224734 |
Best move: 7 Eval: Infinity Depth: 35 depth only searched on the most promising moves |
224734 (south) won