Game between 224952 on the south side, and 224734 on the north side.
Nr | Pit | Agent | Comment | When |
0 | 1 | 224952 |
0 0H -> 11D 6H 1320.17ms |
1 | 3 | 224952 |
2 1H -> 11D 6H 1193.94ms |
2 | 6 | 224734 |
Best move: 4 Eval: -2.25 Depth: 18 depth only searched on the most promising moves |
3 | 4 | 224952 |
3 1H -> 11D 13H 1527.52ms |
4 | 1 | 224734 |
Best move: 5 Eval: -8.75 Depth: 20 depth only searched on the most promising moves |
5 | 2 | 224952 |
1 1H -> 11D 12H 2397.09ms |
6 | 7 | 224734 |
Best move: 3 Eval: -4.75 Depth: 12 depth only searched on the most promising moves |
7 | 8 | 224952 |
7 1H -> 10D 7H 3649.66ms |
8 | 6 | 224734 |
Best move: 2 Eval: -6.75 Depth: 9 depth only searched on the most promising moves |
9 | 4 | 224734 |
Best move: 7 Eval: -8.75 Depth: 19 depth only searched on the most promising moves |
10 | 4 | 224952 |
3 0H -> 10D 7H 3715.21ms |
11 | 3 | 224734 |
Best move: 7 Eval: -16.25 Depth: 5 depth only searched on the most promising moves |
12 | 3 | 224952 |
2 2H -> 10D 8H 2389.38ms |
13 | 8 | 224952 |
7 3H -> 10D 8H 3366.98ms |
14 | 6 | 224952 |
5 4H -> 10D 8H 2380.45ms |
15 | 6 | 224734 |
Best move: 1 Eval: -9.25 Depth: 20 depth only searched on the most promising moves |
16 | 4 | 224734 |
Best move: 1 Eval: -9.25 Depth: 19 depth only searched on the most promising moves |
17 | 8 | 224952 |
7 4H -> 11D 12H 3430.65ms |
18 | 1 | 224952 |
0 5H -> 10D 8H 855.761ms |
19 | 8 | 224734 |
Best move: 5 Eval: -9.75 Depth: 21 depth only searched on the most promising moves |
20 | 8 | 224952 |
7 4H -> 9D 12H 1248.61ms |
21 | 4 | 224952 |
3 5H -> 9D 12H 1407.54ms |
22 | 8 | 224952 |
7 6H -> 10D 9H 2674.69ms |
23 | 6 | 224952 |
5 7H -> 10D 9H 1805.45ms |
24 | 8 | 224952 |
7 8H -> 10D 9H 2446.28ms |
25 | 2 | 224952 |
1 9H -> 10D 9H 2286.08ms |
26 | 8 | 224952 |
7 10H -> 10D 9H 1318.44ms |
27 | 7 | 224952 |
6 11H -> 11D 12H 2072.83ms |
28 | 8 | 224734 |
Best move: 2 Eval: -10.75 Depth: 22 depth only searched on the most promising moves |
29 | 6 | 224734 |
Best move: 5 Eval: -10.75 Depth: 15 depth only searched on the most promising moves |
30 | 8 | 224952 |
7 10H -> 11D 12H 2823.85ms |
31 | 3 | 224734 |
Best move: 6 Eval: -9.75 Depth: 24 depth only searched on the most promising moves |
32 | 6 | 224952 |
5 6H -> 11D 12H 1601.61ms |
33 | 7 | 224734 |
Best move: 2 Eval: -9.75 Depth: 22 depth only searched on the most promising moves |
34 | 5 | 224952 |
4 10H -> 10D 8H 1088.79ms |
35 | 8 | 224734 |
Best move: 4 Eval: -9.75 Depth: 22 depth only searched on the most promising moves |
36 | 6 | 224952 |
5 11H -> 10D 9H 2159.02ms |
37 | 7 | 224952 |
6 12H -> 10D 9H 1262.8ms |
38 | 4 | 224734 |
Best move: 2 Eval: -8.75 Depth: 13 depth only searched on the most promising moves |
39 | 5 | 224952 |
4 12H -> 11D 12H 1957.62ms |
40 | 8 | 224734 |
Best move: 4 Eval: -11.25 Depth: 25 depth only searched on the most promising moves |
41 | 7 | 224734 |
Best move: 8 Eval: -11.25 Depth: 26 depth only searched on the most promising moves |
42 | 8 | 224734 |
Best move: 7 Eval: -11.25 Depth: 25 depth only searched on the most promising moves |
43 | 6 | 224734 |
Best move: 2 Eval: -10.75 Depth: 7 depth only searched on the most promising moves |
44 | 8 | 224952 |
7 8H -> 11D 15H 930.745ms |
45 | 1 | 224734 |
Best move: 6 Eval: -11.25 Depth: 25 depth only searched on the most promising moves |
46 | 2 | 224952 |
1 9H -> 10D 11H 958.585ms |
47 | 7 | 224734 |
Best move: 5 Eval: -13.75 Depth: 21 depth only searched on the most promising moves |
48 | 4 | 224952 |
3 12H -> 9D 14H 1332.87ms |
49 | 8 | 224952 |
7 13H -> 9D 14H 1976.65ms |
50 | 6 | 224952 |
5 14H -> 9D 14H 1906.71ms |
51 | 8 | 224734 |
Best move: 5 Eval: -13.25 Depth: 17 depth only searched on the most promising moves |
52 | 5 | 224734 |
Best move: 2 Eval: -13.75 Depth: 16 depth only searched on the most promising moves |
53 | 7 | 224734 |
Best move: 1 Eval: -14.25 Depth: 13 depth only searched on the most promising moves |
54 | 1 | 224734 |
Best move: 2 Eval: -12.25 Depth: 23 depth only searched on the most promising moves |
55 | 8 | 224952 |
7 10H -> 10D 11H 2519.17ms |
56 | 7 | 224952 |
6 11H -> 10D 11H 2790.17ms |
57 | 2 | 224734 |
Best move: 1 Eval: -11.375 Depth: 26 depth only searched on the most promising moves |
58 | 7 | 224734 |
Best move: 3 Eval: -13.25 Depth: 12 depth only searched on the most promising moves |
59 | 8 | 224734 |
Best move: 3 Eval: -13.25 Depth: 17 depth only searched on the most promising moves |
60 | 8 | 224952 |
7 8H -> 11D 1000000012H 1975.49ms |
61 | 1 | 224734 |
Best move: 6 Eval: -9.85 Depth: 20 depth only searched on the most promising moves |
62 | 5 | 224952 |
4 9H -> 10D 1000000010H 1618ms |
63 | 4 | 224734 |
Best move: 1 Eval: -11.15 Depth: 28 depth only searched on the most promising moves |
64 | 8 | 224734 |
Best move: 2 Eval: -11.375 Depth: 20 depth only searched on the most promising moves |
65 | 2 | 224734 |
Best move: 5 Eval: -11.65 Depth: 22 depth only searched on the most promising moves |
66 | 8 | 224952 |
7 8H -> 11D 1000000014H 2851.03ms |
67 | 7 | 224952 |
6 9H -> 11D 1000000014H 1767.53ms |
68 | 8 | 224952 |
7 10H -> 11D 1000000014H 1635.2ms |
69 | 6 | 224952 |
5 11H -> 12D 1000000012H 1502.37ms |
70 | 8 | 224952 |
7 12H -> 12D 1000000012H 1402.07ms |
71 | 3 | 224952 |
2 13H -> 12D 1000000012H 1042.39ms |
72 | 8 | 224952 |
7 14H -> 13D 1000000014H 2381.03ms |
73 | 7 | 224952 |
6 15H -> 13D 1000000014H 2072.62ms |
74 | 8 | 224952 |
7 16H -> 14D 1000000012H 1950.63ms |
75 | 4 | 224952 |
3 17H -> 14D 1000000012H 1980.95ms |
76 | 6 | 224734 |
Best move: 5 Eval: -13.25 Depth: 14 depth only searched on the most promising moves |
77 | 1 | 224952 |
0 18H -> 12D 1000000016H 1249.77ms |
78 | 8 | 224734 |
Best move: 6 Eval: -Infinity Depth: 18 depth only searched on the most promising moves |
79 | 7 | 224734 |
Best move: 8 Eval: -Infinity Depth: 17 depth only searched on the most promising moves |
80 | 8 | 224734 |
Best move: 7 Eval: -Infinity Depth: 17 depth only searched on the most promising moves |
81 | 5 | 224734 |
Best move: 8 Eval: -Infinity Depth: 17 depth only searched on the most promising moves |
82 | 8 | 224734 |
Best move: 5 Eval: -Infinity Depth: 18 depth only searched on the most promising moves |
83 | 3 | 224734 |
Best move: 7 Eval: -15.125 Depth: 8 depth only searched on the most promising moves |
84 | 2 | 224952 |
1 13H -> 14D 1000000018H 1373.72ms |
85 | 8 | 224734 |
Best move: 3 Eval: -Infinity Depth: 18 depth only searched on the most promising moves |
86 | 7 | 224734 |
Best move: 8 Eval: -Infinity Depth: 18 depth only searched on the most promising moves |
87 | 8 | 224734 |
Best move: 7 Eval: -Infinity Depth: 18 depth only searched on the most promising moves |
88 | 4 | 224734 |
Best move: 8 Eval: -Infinity Depth: 19 depth only searched on the most promising moves |
89 | 5 | 224952 |
4 10H -> 56D 1000000018H 151.839ms |
90 | 8 | 224952 |
7 11H -> 100D 1000000018H 38.525ms |
91 | 4 | 224952 |
3 12H -> 100D 1000000018H 27.804ms |
92 | 6 | 224734 |
Best move: 4 Eval: -Infinity Depth: 19 depth only searched on the most promising moves |
93 | 5 | 224734 |
Best move: 8 Eval: -11.35 Depth: 7 depth only searched on the most promising moves |
94 | 3 | 224952 |
2 11H -> 100D 1000000018H 5.598ms |
95 | 8 | 224734 |
Best move: 5 Eval: -Infinity Depth: 23 depth only searched on the most promising moves |
96 | 7 | 224734 |
Best move: 8 Eval: -Infinity Depth: 27 depth only searched on the most promising moves |
97 | 8 | 224734 |
Best move: 7 Eval: -Infinity Depth: 31 depth only searched on the most promising moves |
98 | 6 | 224734 |
[Auto-move] |
99 | 4 | 224952 |
3 8H -> 97D 1000000018H 0.029ms |
100 | 7 | 224734 |
[Auto-move] |
101 | 5 | 224952 |
4 8H -> 100D 1000000018H 0.015ms |
102 | 8 | 224734 |
[Auto-move] |
224952 (south) won