Propositional Logic in Coq

This is just for demonstration purposes and not directly related to the AI lecture
Find the source code here.

Section Universe.
We introduce a universe of booleans
  Inductive U : Set := T | F.

And provide some definitions and theorems
  Definition negate (t : U) : U :=
    match t with
    | TF
    | FT

  Theorem dneg : P, negate (negate P) = P.
    intros []; trivial.

  Definition and (a b : U) : U :=
    match (a, b) with
    | (T, T) ⇒ T
    | _F

  Theorem and_comm : P Q, and P Q = and Q P.
    intros [] []; trivial.

  Theorem and_assoc : P Q R, and P (and Q R) = (and (and P Q) R).
    intros [] [] []; trivial.

  Theorem contra : P, and P (negate P) = F.
    intros []; trivial.

  Theorem and_F : P, and P F = F.
    intros []; trivial.

End Universe.

Notation "⊤" := T : pl.
Notation "⊥" := F : pl.

Section Syntax.
We assume a set of variables to exist
  Variable Var : Set.

  Inductive Formula : Set :=
  | var : VarFormula
A variable is a formula
  | neg : FormulaFormula
The negation of a formula is a formula
  | conj : FormulaFormulaFormula.
The conjunction of two formulae is a formula
Disjunction and implication can be derived now
  Definition disj (A B : Formula) : Formula :=
    neg (conj (neg A) (neg B)).

  Definition imp (A B : Formula) : Formula :=
    (disj (neg A) B).

End Syntax.

Notation "¬ A" := (neg A) (at level 75) : pl.
Notation "A ∧ B" := (conj A B) (at level 80, right associativity) : pl.
Notation "A ∨ B" := (disj A B) (at level 85, right associativity) : pl.
Notation "A ⇒ B" := (imp A B) (at level 90, right associativity) : pl.

Section Interpretation.
Again, we assume a set of variables to exist
  Variable Var : Set.
An assignment is now just a function from variables to universe elements. Note that this means that we assume all assignments to be total.
  Definition Assignment : Type :=

We can now apply the interpretation function recursively:
  Fixpoint I (φ : Assignment) (f : Formula Var) : U :=
    match f with
    | var P ⇒ φ P
A variable is interpreted as its assigned value
    | neg Anegate (I φ A)
The negation of A is the boolean negation of the interpretation of A
    | conj A Band (I φ A) (I φ B)
The conjunction of A and B is the boolean conjunction...

We can now state validity and satisfiability
  Definition valid (A : Formula Var) : Prop :=
     (φ : Assignment), I φ A = ⊤.

  Definition satisfiable (A : Formula Var) : Prop :=
     (φ : Assignment), I φ A = ⊤.

End Interpretation.

Module Example1.
  Inductive Var : Set := A | B.
  Definition F1 : Formula Var :=
    A ⇒ (BA).

  Lemma F1_valid : valid F1.
    unfold valid.
    unfold F1.
    unfold imp.
    repeat rewrite dneg.
    rewrite and_assoc.
    rewrite (and_commA) (φ B)).
    rewrite <- and_assoc.
    rewrite contra.
    rewrite and_F.
End Example1.

Module Example2.
  Inductive Var : Set := A | B | C.

  Definition φ_counter (v : Var) : U :=
    match v with
    | A ⇒ ⊤
    | B ⇒ ⊤
    | C ⇒ ⊥

  Definition F2 : Formula Var :=

  Lemma F2_not_valid : ¬ valid F2.
    unfold valid.
    intro H.
    specialize (H φ_counter).
    simpl in H.
End Example2.

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