Logik-Basierte Sprachverarbeitung WS22/23 - Summary

This an attempt at a concise summary for the LBS lecture based on WS22/23.
Further resources:
Lecture notes
LBS Lab (most of the GF and MMT code snippets were taken from here)

Natural Language

"car" and "automobile" have the same meaning
A "bank" can be be a financial institution or a geographical feature
"Every[1] student[2] sleeps[3]" → \(\forall x[1]. student[2](x) \implies sleep[3](x)\)

Waterfall Model

A model for NLU

  1. speech processing: acoustic signal → word hypothesis graph
  2. syntactic processing: word sequence → phrase structure
  3. semantics construction: phrase structure → (quasi-)logical form
  4. semantic pragmatic analysis: (quasi-)logical form → knowledge representation
  5. problem solving: using the generated knowledge

Context and Interpretation

Everyone is here.

Radical Semantic View
The sentence literally means that everyone in the world is here, so is generally false. An interpreter recognizes that the speaker said something false.
Radical Pragmatic View
The semantics are incomplete and what the sentence means is determined by the context of utterance and speaker's intentions.
Intermediate View
The quantifier "every" contains a slot for information which is contributed by the context. Extralinguistic information is required to fix the meaning.


A proposition is a sentence about the actual world or a class of worlds deemed possible whose meaning can be expressed as being true or false
A belief is a proposition that an agent holds true about a class of worlds
knowledge is justified, true belief (summarist's objection: Gettier Problem)
Given a world \(w\), the observed value of a proposition \(\varphi\) can be determined by observations. An observer is an agent that perceives \(\varphi\) is as true in \(w\). An observation is reproducible, iff it can be observed by different observers in different situations.
A phenomenom is a proposition that is reproducibly observable to be true in a class of worlds.
A proposition \(\psi\) follows from a proposition \(\varphi\), iff \(\psi\) is true in any worlds where \(\varphi\) is. An explanation of a phenomenom \(\varphi\) is a set \(\Phi\) of propositions, such that \(\varphi\) follows from \(\Phi\).
A world \(w\) is a counterexample to a proposition \(\varphi\), if \(\varphi\) is observably false in \(w\). A proposition is falsifiable, iff counterexamples are theoretically possible and feasibly observable.
A hypothesis is a proposed explanation of a phenomenom that is falsifiable.
Foundational Meaning Theory
A meaning theory that tries to explain why language expressions have the meaning they have in terms of mental states of individuals and groups

Semantic Meaning Theory

A semantic meaning theory assigns semantic contents to expressions of language.

Singular Term
A singular term is a phrase that denotes a particular person, place or object (e.g. "Michael Kohlhase", "Odysseus")
Sinn und Bedeutung [Gottlob Frege]
A singular term separately has a sense (Sinn) and/or referent (Bedeutung). "Odysseus" does not have a referent, but it does have a sense!
Most Certain Principle [Cresswell]
If we have two sentences \(A\) and \(B\), and \(A\) is true and \(B\) is false, then \(A\) and \(B\) do not mean the same.
Truth Conditions
The thruth conditions of a sentences are the conditions of the world under which it is true.
A meaning theory \(T\) is compositional, iff the meaning of an expression is a function of the meanings of its parts.
A meaning theory \(T\) obeys the congruence principle, iff whenever \(A\) is part of \(B\) and \(A'\) means the same as \(A\), then replacing \(A\) with \(A'\) in B does not change \(B\)'s meaning.

The Method of Fragments (Montague)

A natural language fragment is the language of a context-free grammar

Grammatical Framework (GF)

A grammar in GF consists of

  • an abstract grammar that specifies well-formed abstract syntax trees (AST)
  • a collection of concrete grammars that specify how an AST can be linerarized into natural language strings
abstract Grammar = {
        Name;     -- proper name ("Ethel", ...)
        Conn;    -- connectives like "and", "or", ...
        NP;   -- noun phrases
        Det;    -- determiner ("the", "every", "a", ...)

        makeVP : TransVerb -> NP -> VP;
        makeVP2 : InTransVerb -> VP;
        makeS : NP -> VP -> S;
        negateVP : VP -> VP;

        makeNP : Det -> Noun -> NP;  -- "the" -> "cat" -> "the cat"
        makeNP2 : Name -> NP;        -- "Peter" -> "Peter"

        -- "howl" -> "scream" -> "howl and scream"
        combineVP : VP -> Conn -> VP -> VP;
        combineS : S -> Conn -> S -> S;

        and : Conn;
        or : Conn;

        the : Det;
        every : Det;
        some : Det;

        cat_ : Noun;
        dog: Noun;
        teacher: Noun;
        peter : Name;
        mary : Name;
        fido : Name;
        love : TransVerb;
        poison : TransVerb;
        sleep : InTransVerb;
        laugh : InTransVerb;
concrete GrammarEng of Grammar = {
        Name = Str;
        TransVerb = {fin: Str; inf: Str};
        InTransVerb = {fin: Str; inf: Str};
        VP = {fin: Str; inf: Str};
        S = Str;
        ReflexiveVerb = Str;
        Conn = Str;
        NP = Str;
        Noun = Str;
        Det = Str;

        dog = "dog";
        cat_ = "cat";
        teacher = "teacher";
        peter = "Peter";
        mary = "Mary";
        fido = "Fido";
        love = {fin="loves"; inf="love"};
        poison = {fin="poisons"; inf="poison"};
        sleep = {fin="sleeps"; inf="sleep"};
        laugh = {fin="laughs"; inf="laugh"};

        and = "and";
        or = "or";
        the = "the";
        every = "every";
        some = "a" | "some";

        makeNP determiner noun = determiner ++ noun;
        makeNP2 name = name;

        combineVP v1 c v2 = {
        combineS s1 c s2 = s1 ++ c ++ s2;
        negateVP vp = {
          fin="doesn't" ++ vp.inf;
          inf="not" ++ vp.inf

        makeVP verb name = {
          inf=verb.inf ++ name;
          fin=verb.fin ++ name
        makeVP2 verb = {fin=verb.fin; inf=verb.inf};

        makeS name vp = name ++ vp.fin;


A formula is a sequence/tree of symbols
An interpretation maps formulae into models

Properties of Calculi

A calculus \(C\) is sound, iff \(\mathcal{H} \vDash A\) whenever \(\mathcal{H} \vdash_C A\)
A calculus \(C\) is complete, iff \(\mathcal{H} \vdash_C A\) whenever \(\mathcal{H} \vDash A\)
Deduction Theorem
A calculus \(C\) obeys the deduction theorem if
\[ \mathcal{H}, A \vdash_C B \text{ iff } \mathcal{H} \vdash_C A \implies B \]
Entailment Theorem
A Logic obeys the entailment theorem if
\[ \mathcal{H}, A \vDash B \text{ iff } \mathcal{H} \vDash A \implies B \]

Predicate Logic without Quantifiers

theory plnq : ur:?LF =
    prop : type  # o 
    ind  : type  # ι 

    and : o  o  o  # 1 ∧ 2 prec 50 
    not : o  o  # ¬ 1 prec 60 
    or  : o  o  o  # 1 ∨ 2 prec 40  = [x : o] [y : o] ¬ (¬ x ∧ ¬ y) 
    implies : o  o  o  = [x : o] [y : o] ¬ x ∨ y  # 1 ⇒ 2 prec 30 
    biimplication : o  o  o  = [x : o] [y : o] (x ⇒ y) ∧ (y ⇒ x)  # 1 ⇔ 2 prec 20 

Natural Deduction

theory plnq_proofs : ur:?LF =
    include ?plnq 

    ded : o  type  # ⊢ 1 prec 5 

    andEl : {A:o} {B:o} ⊢ A ∧ B  ⊢ A  # aEl 3 
    andEr : {A:o} {B:o} ⊢ A ∧ B  ⊢ B  # aEr 3 
    andI  : {A:o} {B:o} ⊢ A  ⊢ B  ⊢ A ∧ B  # aI 3 4 

    orIl  : {A:o} {B:o} ⊢ A  ⊢ A ∨ B 
    orIr  : {A:o} {B:o} ⊢ B  ⊢ A ∨ B 
    orE   : {A:o} {B:o} {C:o}
          ⊢ A ∨ B  (⊢ A  ⊢ C)  (⊢ B  ⊢ C)  ⊢ C 

    implE : {A:o} {B:o} ⊢ A  ⊢ A ⇒ B  ⊢ B 
    implI : {A:o} {B:o} (⊢ A  ⊢ B)  ⊢ A ⇒ B 
          # ⇒I 3 

Tableau Calculus

kind o type.
type neg o -> o.
type and o -> o -> o.
type or o -> o -> o.

kind iota type.
type mary iota.
type john iota.
type love iota -> iota -> o.

type atomic o -> prop.
atomic (neg _A)    :- !, fail.
atomic (and _A _B) :- !, fail.
atomic (or _A _B)  :- !, fail.
atomic _A.

kind mo type.
type markF o -> mo.
type markT o -> mo.

type member mo -> (list mo) -> prop.
member X [X|_].
member X [_|Xs] :- member X Xs.

type tableau (list mo) -> (list mo) -> prop.
tableau [markT (and A B)|T] M :- tableau [markT A, markT B | T] M.
tableau [markF (and A _B)|T] M :- tableau [markF A | T] M.
tableau [markF (and _A B)|T] M :- tableau [markF B | T] M.
tableau [markT (neg A)|T] M :- tableau [markF A | T] M.
tableau [markF (neg A)|T] M :- tableau [markT A | T] M.
tableau [markF A |T] [markF A |M] :-
    atomic A, tableau T M, not (member (markT A) M).
tableau [markT A |T] [markT A |M] :-
    atomic A, tableau T M, not (member (markF A) M).
tableau [] [].

First Order Logic

theory fol : ur:?LF =
    include ?plnq 
    forall : o)  o  # ∀ 1 
    exist  : o)  o  # ∃ 1 
        = [s : ι  o] ¬ (∀ [x : ι] (¬ s x)) 

    equal : ι  ι  o  # 1 ≐ 2 prec 80 
    exists1 : o)  o  # ∃! 1 
        = [s : ι  o][x : ι] s x ∧ ∀ [y : ι] s y ⇒ x ≐ y 
    descr : o)  ι  # the 1 

Natural Deduction

theory fol_proofs : ur:?LF =
    include ?plnq_proofs 
    include ?fol 

    forallE : {B : ι  o} {C : ι} ⊢ ∀ B  ⊢ B C 
    existsI : {B : ι  o} {C : ι} ⊢ B C  ⊢ ∃ B 
    forallI : {B : ι  o} ({X : ι} ⊢ B X)  ⊢ ∀ B 
    existsE : {B : ι  o} {C : o} ⊢ ∃ B  ({w : ι} ⊢ B w  ⊢ C)  ⊢ C 

    equalI : {A : ι} ⊢ A ≐ A 
    equalE : {A : ι} {B : ι} {P : ι  o} ⊢ A ≐ B  ⊢ P A  ⊢ P B 

    description_axiom : {S : ι  o} {a : ι}
            ⊢ ((S a ∧ ∃! S) ⇔ (the S) ≐ a) 

Fragment 1

We define the phrasal categories:

S Sentence
NP Noun phrase
N Noun
Npr Proper Name
InTransVerb Intransitive Verb
TransVerb Transitive Verb
Conj Connective
Adj Adjective

Fragment 3

Ethel howled and screamed.

We introduce a new phrasal category VP.
In the concrete grammar we need to introduces tenses to distinguish e.g. "poisons" and "poison".
We assign types to phrasal categories:

Category Type Intuition
S o thruth value
NP ι individual
Npr ι individuals
VP ι → o property
InTransVerb ι → o unary predicate
TransVerb ι → ι → o binary relation

Simply Typed Lambda Calculus

\((\lambda x.\, A) =_{\alpha} (\lambda y.\, [y/x]A)\)
\((\lambda x.\, A) B =_{\beta} [B/x]A\)
\((\lambda x.\, A x) =_{\eta} A\) , iff \(x\) is not free in \(A\)

Fragment 4

Higher-Order Abstract Syntax

We want to encode quantifiers in the lambda calculus with \(\Pi\) and \(\Sigma\) types.
If we interpret objects of type \(\iota \to o\) as sets, we can define:

\begin{align*} (\forall x_{\alpha}.\, A) &:= \Pi_{\alpha} (\lambda x_{\alpha}. A)\\ (\exists x_{\alpha}.\, A) &:= \Sigma_{\alpha} (\lambda x_{\alpha}. A) \end{align*}


Description Operator

"The" cannot be treated with regular quantifiers.


view GrammarSemantics : http://mathhub.info/tmpGLIF/default/Grammar.gf?Grammar -> ?people =
    Name = ι 
    TransVerb = ι  ι  o 
    InTransVerb = ι  o 
    VP = ι  o 
    S = o 
    Conn = o  o  o 
    Noun = ι  o 
    Det = o)  o)  o 
    NP = o)  o 

    // makeNP : Det ⟶ Noun ⟶ NP 
    makeNP = [det: o)  o)  o] [noun:ι  o] det noun 

    // makeNP2 : Name ⟶ NP 
    makeNP2 = [name:ι] ([vp:ι⟶o] vp name) 

    // makeVP : TransVerb -> NP -> VP; 
    makeVP = [tv:ι⟶ι⟶o] [np:(ι⟶o)⟶o] [x:ι] np (tv x) 
    makeVP2 = [itv:ι⟶o] [x:ι] itv x 

    // makeS : NP ⟶ VP ⟶ S 
    makeS = [np:(ι⟶o)⟶o][vp:ι⟶o] np vp 
    // makeS = [n:ι][v:ι⟶o] v n 

    // combineVP : VP -> Conn -> VP -> VP; 
    combineVP = [vpa: ι⟶o] [c: o⟶o⟶o] [vpb: ι⟶o]
            [x:ι] c (vpa x) (vpb x) 
    // combineS : S -> Conn -> S -> S; 
    combineS = [x: o] [c: o  o  o] [y: o]
                c x y 
    // negateVP : VP -> VP; 
    negateVP = [vp: ι⟶o] [x:ι] ¬ (vp x) 

    and = [x] [y] x ∧ y 
    or = [x] [y] x ∨ y 

    some = [noun: ι⟶o] [vp: ι  o][x] noun x ∧ vp x 
    every = [noun: ι⟶o] [vp: ι  o][x] noun x ⇒ vp x 
    the = [noun: ι⟶o] [vp: ι  o] vp (descr noun) 

    teacher = teacher' 
    cat_ = cat' 
    dog = dog' 
    peter = peter' 
    mary = mary' 
    fido = fido' 
    love = love' 
    sleep = sleep' 
    laugh = laugh' 
    poison = poison' 

Davidsonian Semantics

John killed the cat in a bathroom with a hammer.

To allow modifiers on verbs we extend the argument structure of action verbs with an event argument.
\[ \exists e.\, \exists x,y.\, \mathrm{bathroom}(x) \land \mathrm{hammer}(y) \land \mathrm{kill}(e, \text{peter}, \iota\, \text{cat}) \land \mathrm{in}(e,x) \land \mathrm{with}(e,y) \]

Neo-Davidsonian Systems

Take apart davidsonian predicates further, add event participants via thematic roles.

John killed the cat with a hammer

\[ \exists e.\, \exists x.\, \mathrm{hammer}(x) \land \mathrm{killing}(e) \land \mathrm{agent}(e,\text{peter}) \land \mathrm{patient}(e, \iota\, \text{cat}) \land \mathrm{with}(e,x) \]
As a neo-davidsonian system can get by without functions and only unary and binary predicates, model generation is easier.

Some modifiers are incompatible with some events.

event type example
state know the answer, stand in the corner
process run, eat apples
accomplishments run a mile, eat an apple
achievements reach the summit

Dynamic NL Semantics

Natural language contains dynamic phenomena which pose problems for our semantics.

Quantifier Scope

A man sleeps. He snores.

\[ (\exists X.\, \mathrm{man}(X) \land \mathrm{sleeps}(X)) \land \mathrm{snores}(X) \]
\(X\) is not bound in the second conjunct!

Donkey Sentence

If a farmer owns a donkey, he beats it.

\[ \forall X,Y.\, \mathrm{farmer}(X) \land \mathrm{donkey}(Y) \land \mathrm{owns}(X,Y) \implies \mathrm{beat}(X,Y) \]
Dynamic phenomena are not limited to inter-sentential anaphora!

Discourse Representation Theory

Deal with dynamic phenomena by replacing existential quantifiers.

A discourse is a sequence of sentences.
Discourse Representation Theory (DRT)
A logical system which uses discourse referents to model quantification and pronouns.
Discourse Representation Structures (DRS)
A DRT formula that introduces a set of discourse referents and specifies their meaning via conditions.

A student owns a book.


If a farmer owns a donkey, he beats it.

\(X,Y\) \(\Longrightarrow\)  
\(\mathrm{farmer}(X)\)   \(\mathrm{beat}(X,Y)\)

TODO DRS merging

Higher-Order Dynamics

Modal Logics

theory proplog : ur:?LF =
    prop : type  # o 
    not : o  o  # ¬ 1 
    and : o  o  o  # 1 ∧ 2 

Author: Florian Guthmann

Created: 2023-02-20 Mo 13:15
