Class KalahState

  • public class KalahState
    extends Object
    A Kalah board representation keeping track of turns. We are aware that one could also flip the board accordingly but went for the former since it's easier to use. Note that most methods are executed from the perspective of the player that is about to move. Moves are indexed from 0 to N-1 in sowing direction where N is the number of southern (northern) pits Note that this implementation is also ready for use with HashMaps.
    • Nested Class Summary

      Nested Classes 
      Modifier and Type Class Description
      static class  KalahState.GameResult
      Enum for possible game outcomes.
      static class  KalahState.Player
      The players are North and South.
    • Constructor Summary

      Constructor Description
      KalahState​(int board_size, int seeds)
      Creates a board of @param board_size pits with @param seeds each.
      KalahState​(KalahState state)
      Creates a copy of the given Board.
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Concrete Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      void cleanUpOneSidedHouses()
      If either northern or southern houses are empty e.g. the game is over then the remaining seeds in southern houses are moved to the southern store and the remaining seeds in northern houses are moved to the northern store.
      void doMove​(int move)
      Executes the given move by modifying the board.
      boolean equals​(Object o)
      Returns true iff stores, houses and turn are perfectly equal e.g. same side to move, same stores, same houses.
      void flip()
      Mirrors the board e.g. flips stores, houses and side to move.
      boolean flipIfNorthToMove()
      Flips the board if it's North's turn e.g. so that it's South's turn afterwards.
      void flipIfWasFlipped​(boolean wasFlipped)
      Useful helper function, so algorithms have to be implemented from souths point of view only.
      int getBoardSize()
      Returns the number of southern pits.
      int getHouse​(KalahState.Player player, int index)  
      int getHouseSum()
      Returns the sum of seeds in all houses.
      int getHouseSumNorth()
      Returns the sum of seeds in northern houses.
      int getHouseSumSouth()
      Returns the sum of seeds in southern houses.
      ArrayList<Integer> getMoves()
      Returns an ArrayList containing the legal moves in sowing direction Moves are indexed from 0 to N-1 (in sowing direction).
      KalahState.Player getSideToMove()
      Returns the side to move.
      int getStoreLead()
      Returns the difference between stores from the perspective of the player who is about to move e.g.
      int getStoreNorth()
      Returns the number of seeds in northern store.
      int getStoreSouth()
      Returns the number of seeds in southern store.
      int hashCode()
      Returns the hash code for board, not considering who is about to move
      boolean isCaptureMove​(int move)
      Returns true iff the move would be a capture.
      boolean isDoubleMove​(int move)
      Returns true iff the last seed would end up in the store.
      boolean isLegalMove​(int move)
      Return whether the given move is legal.
      int lowestLegalMove()
      Returns the leftmost legal move e.g. with the lowest index.
      int numberOfMoves()
      Returns the number of legal moves.
      int randomLegalMove()
      Returns a random legal move.
      KalahState.GameResult result()
      Returns the GameResult from the player to move's perspective.
      void setHouse​(KalahState.Player player, int index, int seeds)
      Sets the number of seeds in the given house.
      void setStoreNorth​(int seeds)
      Sets the number of seeds in the northern store.
      void setStoreSouth​(int seeds)
      Sets the number of seeds in the southern store.
      String toString()
      Returns a multiline representation of the board, including stores and side to move.
      int totalSeeds()
      Returns the sum of all seeds, from both stores and all houses.
    • Constructor Detail

      • KalahState

        public KalahState​(int board_size,
                          int seeds)
        Creates a board of @param board_size pits with @param seeds each.
        board_size - Number of southern pits.
        seeds - Number of initial seeds in one pit.
      • KalahState

        public KalahState​(KalahState state)
        Creates a copy of the given Board.
        state - The board to copy.
    • Method Detail

      • flip

        public void flip()
        Mirrors the board e.g. flips stores, houses and side to move.
      • flipIfWasFlipped

        public void flipIfWasFlipped​(boolean wasFlipped)
        Useful helper function, so algorithms have to be implemented from souths point of view only. Used together with flipIfNorthToMove().
        wasFlipped - Whether the board should be flipped.
      • flipIfNorthToMove

        public boolean flipIfNorthToMove()
        Flips the board if it's North's turn e.g. so that it's South's turn afterwards. Useful helper function, so algorithms have to be implemented from souths point of view only. Used together with flipIfWasFlipped().
        true if the board was flipped.
      • isLegalMove

        public boolean isLegalMove​(int move)
        Return whether the given move is legal.
        move - Move to check for legality.
      • lowestLegalMove

        public int lowestLegalMove()
        Returns the leftmost legal move e.g. with the lowest index. Moves are indexed from 0 to N-1 in sowing direction. Useful if you need any legal move.
      • randomLegalMove

        public int randomLegalMove()
        Returns a random legal move. Moves are indexed from 0 to N-1 in sowing direction.
      • numberOfMoves

        public int numberOfMoves()
        Returns the number of legal moves.
      • getMoves

        public ArrayList<Integer> getMoves()
        Returns an ArrayList containing the legal moves in sowing direction Moves are indexed from 0 to N-1 (in sowing direction).
      • isDoubleMove

        public boolean isDoubleMove​(int move)
        Returns true iff the last seed would end up in the store.
        move - The move to check. Moves are indexed from 0 to N-1 in sowing direction.
      • isCaptureMove

        public boolean isCaptureMove​(int move)
        Returns true iff the move would be a capture.
        move - The move to check. Moves are indexed from 0 to N-1 in sowing direction.
      • doMove

        public void doMove​(int move)
        Executes the given move by modifying the board. Note that there is a constructor for copying from an existing board.
        move - The move to execute. Moves are indexed from 0 to N-1 in sowing direction.
      • totalSeeds

        public int totalSeeds()
        Returns the sum of all seeds, from both stores and all houses.
      • result

        public KalahState.GameResult result()
        Returns the GameResult from the player to move's perspective.
      • cleanUpOneSidedHouses

        public void cleanUpOneSidedHouses()
        If either northern or southern houses are empty e.g. the game is over then the remaining seeds in southern houses are moved to the southern store and the remaining seeds in northern houses are moved to the northern store.
      • getStoreLead

        public int getStoreLead()
        Returns the difference between stores from the perspective of the player who is about to move e.g. positive if the player who is about to move has more seeds in their store.
      • getBoardSize

        public int getBoardSize()
        Returns the number of southern pits.
      • getStoreSouth

        public int getStoreSouth()
        Returns the number of seeds in southern store.
      • setStoreSouth

        public void setStoreSouth​(int seeds)
        Sets the number of seeds in the southern store.
        seeds - New number of seeds.
      • getStoreNorth

        public int getStoreNorth()
        Returns the number of seeds in northern store.
      • setStoreNorth

        public void setStoreNorth​(int seeds)
        Sets the number of seeds in the northern store.
        seeds - New number of seeds.
      • setHouse

        public void setHouse​(KalahState.Player player,
                             int index,
                             int seeds)
        Sets the number of seeds in the given house.
        index - Index of the pit (0 to N-1 in sowing direction).
        player - Which houses to set.
        seeds - Number of seeds to set.
      • getHouse

        public int getHouse​(KalahState.Player player,
                            int index)
        index - Index of the pit (0 to N-1 in sowing direction).
        player - Which houses to set. Returns the number of seeds in this pit.
      • getHouseSumSouth

        public int getHouseSumSouth()
        Returns the sum of seeds in southern houses.
      • getHouseSumNorth

        public int getHouseSumNorth()
        Returns the sum of seeds in northern houses.
      • getHouseSum

        public int getHouseSum()
        Returns the sum of seeds in all houses.
      • hashCode

        public int hashCode()
        Returns the hash code for board, not considering who is about to move
        hashCode in class Object
      • equals

        public boolean equals​(Object o)
        Returns true iff stores, houses and turn are perfectly equal e.g. same side to move, same stores, same houses.
        equals in class Object
      • toString

        public String toString()
        Returns a multiline representation of the board, including stores and side to move.
        toString in class Object