Inductive type :=
| ty_func : type → type → type
| ty_unit : type
| ty_nat : type
| ty_prod : type → type → type
| ty_sum : type → type → type.
Definition context := nat → option type.
Definition cempty : context := fun _ ⇒ None.
Definition cupdate (c : context) (x : nat) (ty : type) : context.
repeat red.
repeat red in c.
intros n.
destruct (Nat.eqb x n).
exact (Some ty).
apply c; exact n.
Definition clift (k i : nat) (c : context) : context :=
fun x ⇒
if x <? k then c x
else if x <? k + i then None
else c (x - i).
Lemma cupdate_clift_bound :
∀ k i c T x,
x < k →
cupdate (clift k i c) k T x = c x.
intros k i c T x P1.
unfold cupdate.
assert (P2 : k ≠ x). { lia. }
apply PeanoNat.Nat.eqb_neq in P2 as B2.
rewrite B2.
unfold clift.
apply PeanoNat.Nat.ltb_lt in P1 as B1.
rewrite B1.
Lemma cupdate_clift_free :
∀ k i c T x,
k ≤ x →
cupdate (clift k (S i) c) k T (x + (S i)) = c x.
intros k i c T x P1.
apply PeanoNat.Nat.leb_le in P1 as B1.
unfold cupdate.
assert (P2 : k ≠ x + S i). { lia. }
apply PeanoNat.Nat.eqb_neq in P2 as B2.
rewrite B2.
unfold clift.
assert (P3 : ¬ x + S i < k). { lia. }
apply PeanoNat.Nat.ltb_nlt in P3 as B3.
rewrite B3.
assert (P4 : ¬ x + S i < k + S i). { lia. }
apply PeanoNat.Nat.ltb_nlt in P4 as B4.
rewrite B4.
Lemma clift_cupdate :
∀ c k i T x,
clift k i (cupdate c k T) x = cupdate (clift k i c) (k + i) T x.
intros c k i T x.
unfold clift,cupdate.
destruct (x <? k) eqn:B1.
apply ltb_lt in B1 as P1.
assert (P2 : k ≠ x). lia.
apply eqb_neq in P2 as B2.
rewrite B2.
assert (P3 : k + i ≠ x). lia.
apply eqb_neq in P3 as B3.
rewrite B3.
apply ltb_nlt in B1 as P1.
destruct (x <? k + i) eqn:B2.
apply ltb_lt in B2 as P2.
assert (P3 : k + i ≠ x). lia.
apply eqb_neq in P3 as B3.
rewrite B3.
apply ltb_nlt in B2 as P2.
destruct (k =? x - i) eqn:B3.
apply eqb_eq in B3 as P3.
assert (P4 : k + i = x). lia.
apply eqb_eq in P4 as B4.
rewrite B4.
apply eqb_neq in B3 as P3.
assert (P4 : k + i ≠ x). lia.
apply eqb_neq in P4 as B4.
rewrite B4.
Inductive form :=
| f_var : nat → form
| f_abs : form → form
| f_app : form → form → form
| f_star : form
| f_nat : nat → form
| f_pair : form → form → form
| f_fst : form → form
| f_snd : form → form
| f_case : form → form → form → form
| f_inl : form → form
| f_inr : form → form
| f_fix : type → form
| f_eq : form → form → form
| f_leq : form → form → form
| f_mul : form → form → form
| f_minus : form → form → form.
Fixpoint occ_list (f : form) : list nat :=
match f with
| f_var n ⇒ n :: nil
| f_abs f1 ⇒ map (Nat.pred) (filter (fun x ⇒ negb (Nat.eqb x 0)) (occ_list f1))
| f_app f1 f2 ⇒ occ_list f1 ++ occ_list f2
| f_star ⇒ nil
| f_nat n ⇒ nil
| f_pair f1 f2 ⇒ occ_list f1 ++ occ_list f2
| f_fst f1 ⇒ occ_list f1
| f_snd f1 ⇒ occ_list f1
| f_case f1 f2 f3 ⇒ occ_list f1 ++ map (Nat.pred) (filter (fun x ⇒ negb (Nat.eqb x 0)) (occ_list f2)) ++ map (Nat.pred) (filter (fun x ⇒ negb (Nat.eqb x 0)) (occ_list f3))
| f_inl f1 ⇒ occ_list f1
| f_inr f1 ⇒ occ_list f1
| f_fix a ⇒ nil
| f_eq f1 f2 ⇒ occ_list f1 ++ occ_list f2
| f_leq f1 f2 ⇒ occ_list f1 ++ occ_list f2
| f_mul f1 f2 ⇒ occ_list f1 ++ occ_list f2
| f_minus f1 f2 ⇒ occ_list f1 ++ occ_list f2
Definition occ' (f : form) (x : nat) : Prop := In x (occ_list f).
Fixpoint occ (f : form) (x : nat) : Prop :=
match f with
| f_var n ⇒ n = x
| f_abs f1 ⇒ occ f1 (S x)
| f_app f1 f2 ⇒ occ f1 x ∨ occ f2 x
| f_star ⇒ False
| f_nat n ⇒ False
| f_pair f1 f2 ⇒ occ f1 x ∨ occ f2 x
| f_fst f1 ⇒ occ f1 x
| f_snd f1 ⇒ occ f1 x
| f_case f1 f2 f3 ⇒ occ f1 x ∨ occ f2 (S x) ∨ occ f3 (S x)
| f_inl f1 ⇒ occ f1 x
| f_inr f1 ⇒ occ f1 x
| f_fix a ⇒ False
| f_eq f1 f2 ⇒ occ f1 x ∨ occ f2 x
| f_leq f1 f2 ⇒ occ f1 x ∨ occ f2 x
| f_mul f1 f2 ⇒ occ f1 x ∨ occ f2 x
| f_minus f1 f2 ⇒ occ f1 x ∨ occ f2 x
Lemma occ'_occ :
∀ f x,
occ' f x →
occ f x.
induction f as
|f1 IH1
|f1 IH1 f2 IH2
|f1 IH1 f2 IH2
|f1 IH1
|f1 IH1
|f1 IH1 f2 IH2 f3 IH3
|f1 IH1
|f1 IH1
|f1 IH1 f2 IH2
|f1 IH1 f2 IH2
|f1 IH1 f2 IH2
|f1 IH1 f2 IH2
intros x H1;
try exact H1;
try eauto;
try (apply in_app_or in H1; destruct H1 as [H1|H1]; [left; eapply IH1 | right; eapply IH2]; easy).
destruct H1 as [H1|H1]; easy.
apply IH1.
apply in_map_iff in H1 as [n [H1 H2]].
apply filter_In in H2 as [H2 H3].
symmetry in H1; subst x.
destruct n as [|n']; easy.
apply in_map_iff in H1 as [n [H1 H2]].
apply filter_In in H2 as [H2 H3].
symmetry in H1; subst x.
destruct n as [|n']; easy.
repeat apply in_app_or in H1 as [H1|H1].
left; eapply IH1; apply H1.
right; left; apply IH2.
apply in_map_iff in H1 as [n [H1 H2]].
apply filter_In in H2 as [H2 H3].
symmetry in H1; subst x.
destruct n as [|n']; easy.
right; right; apply IH3.
apply in_map_iff in H1 as [n [H1 H2]].
apply filter_In in H2 as [H2 H3].
symmetry in H1; subst x.
destruct n as [|n']; easy.
Lemma occ_occ' :
∀ f x,
occ f x →
occ' f x.
induction f as
|f1 IH1
|f1 IH1 f2 IH2
|f1 IH1 f2 IH2
|f1 IH1
|f1 IH1
|f1 IH1 f2 IH2 f3 IH3
|f1 IH1
|f1 IH1
|f1 IH1 f2 IH2
|f1 IH1 f2 IH2
|f1 IH1 f2 IH2
|f1 IH1 f2 IH2
intros x H1;
try eauto;
try (apply in_or_app; destruct H1 as [H1|H1]; [left; apply IH1|right; apply IH2]; exact H1).
left; eapply IH1; apply H1.
right; left; apply IH2.
apply in_map_iff in H1 as [n [H1 H2]].
apply filter_In in H2 as [H2 H3].
symmetry in H1; subst x.
destruct n as [|n']; easy.
right; right; apply IH3.
apply in_map_iff in H1 as [n [H1 H2]].
apply filter_In in H2 as [H2 H3].
symmetry in H1; subst x.
destruct n as [|n']; easy.
Lemma occ_occ' :
∀ f x,
occ f x →
occ' f x.
induction f as
|f1 IH1
|f1 IH1 f2 IH2
|f1 IH1 f2 IH2
|f1 IH1
|f1 IH1
|f1 IH1 f2 IH2 f3 IH3
|f1 IH1
|f1 IH1
|f1 IH1 f2 IH2
|f1 IH1 f2 IH2
|f1 IH1 f2 IH2
|f1 IH1 f2 IH2
intros x H1;
try eauto;
try (apply in_or_app; destruct H1 as [H1|H1]; [left; apply IH1|right; apply IH2]; exact H1).
left; exact H1.
apply in_map_iff; ∃ (S x); split.
apply filter_In; split; unfold occ' in *; eauto.
apply filter_In; split; unfold occ' in *; eauto.
apply in_or_app.
repeat destruct H1 as [H1|H1].
left; apply IH1; exact H1.
right; apply in_or_app; left.
apply in_map_iff; ∃ (S x); split.
apply filter_In; split; unfold occ' in *; eauto.
right; apply in_or_app; right.
apply in_map_iff; ∃ (S x); split.
apply filter_In; split; unfold occ' in *; eauto.
Definition is_closed (f : form) : Prop := occ_list f = nil.
Fixpoint lift (k i : nat) (t : form) : form :=
match t with
| f_var n ⇒ if n <? k then f_var n else f_var (n + i)
| f_abs f1 ⇒ f_abs (lift (k + 1) i f1)
| f_app f1 f2 ⇒ f_app (lift k i f1) (lift k i f2)
| f_star ⇒ f_star
| f_nat n ⇒ f_nat n
| f_pair f1 f2 ⇒ f_pair (lift k i f1) (lift k i f2)
| f_fst f1 ⇒ f_fst (lift k i f1)
| f_snd f1 ⇒ f_snd (lift k i f1)
| f_case f1 f2 f3 ⇒ f_case (lift k i f1) (lift (k + 1) i f2) (lift (k + 1) i f3)
| f_inl f1 ⇒ f_inl (lift k i f1)
| f_inr f1 ⇒ f_inr (lift k i f1)
| f_fix a ⇒ f_fix a
| f_eq f1 f2 ⇒ f_eq (lift k i f1) (lift k i f2)
| f_leq f1 f2 ⇒ f_leq (lift k i f1) (lift k i f2)
| f_mul f1 f2 ⇒ f_mul (lift k i f1) (lift k i f2)
| f_minus f1 f2 ⇒ f_minus (lift k i f1) (lift k i f2)
Example lift_k_0 :
∀ f k,
lift k 0 f = f.
induction f as
|f1 IH1
|f1 IH1 f2 IH2
|f1 IH1 f2 IH2
|f1 IH1
|f1 IH1
|f1 IH1 f2 IH2 f3 IH3
|f1 IH1
|f1 IH1
|f1 IH1 f2 IH2
|f1 IH1 f2 IH2
|f1 IH1 f2 IH2
|f1 IH1 f2 IH2
intro k;
apply in_or_app.
repeat destruct H1 as [H1|H1].
left; apply IH1; exact H1.
right; apply in_or_app; left.
apply in_map_iff; ∃ (S x); split.
apply filter_In; split; unfold occ' in *; eauto.
right; apply in_or_app; right.
apply in_map_iff; ∃ (S x); split.
apply filter_In; split; unfold occ' in *; eauto.
Definition is_closed (f : form) : Prop := occ_list f = nil.
Fixpoint lift (k i : nat) (t : form) : form :=
match t with
| f_var n ⇒ if n <? k then f_var n else f_var (n + i)
| f_abs f1 ⇒ f_abs (lift (k + 1) i f1)
| f_app f1 f2 ⇒ f_app (lift k i f1) (lift k i f2)
| f_star ⇒ f_star
| f_nat n ⇒ f_nat n
| f_pair f1 f2 ⇒ f_pair (lift k i f1) (lift k i f2)
| f_fst f1 ⇒ f_fst (lift k i f1)
| f_snd f1 ⇒ f_snd (lift k i f1)
| f_case f1 f2 f3 ⇒ f_case (lift k i f1) (lift (k + 1) i f2) (lift (k + 1) i f3)
| f_inl f1 ⇒ f_inl (lift k i f1)
| f_inr f1 ⇒ f_inr (lift k i f1)
| f_fix a ⇒ f_fix a
| f_eq f1 f2 ⇒ f_eq (lift k i f1) (lift k i f2)
| f_leq f1 f2 ⇒ f_leq (lift k i f1) (lift k i f2)
| f_mul f1 f2 ⇒ f_mul (lift k i f1) (lift k i f2)
| f_minus f1 f2 ⇒ f_minus (lift k i f1) (lift k i f2)
Example lift_k_0 :
∀ f k,
lift k 0 f = f.
induction f as
|f1 IH1
|f1 IH1 f2 IH2
|f1 IH1 f2 IH2
|f1 IH1
|f1 IH1
|f1 IH1 f2 IH2 f3 IH3
|f1 IH1
|f1 IH1
|f1 IH1 f2 IH2
|f1 IH1 f2 IH2
|f1 IH1 f2 IH2
|f1 IH1 f2 IH2
intro k;
destruct k as [|k].
f_equal; lia.
destruct (n <=? k);
Lemma lift_additive :
∀ f k i1 i2,
lift k i1 (lift k i2 f) = lift k (i1 + i2) f.
induction f as
|f1 IH1
|f1 IH1 f2 IH2
|f1 IH1 f2 IH2
|f1 IH1
|f1 IH1
|f1 IH1 f2 IH2 f3 IH3
|f1 IH1
|f1 IH1
|f1 IH1 f2 IH2
|f1 IH1 f2 IH2
|f1 IH1 f2 IH2
|f1 IH1 f2 IH2
intros k i1 i2;
try (f_equal; try rewrite IH1; try rewrite IH2; try rewrite IH3; reflexivity).
destruct k as [|k].
f_equal; lia.
destruct (n <=? k) eqn:H1.
rewrite H1.
destruct (n + i2 <=? k) eqn:H2.
apply PeanoNat.Nat.leb_le in H2.
apply PeanoNat.Nat.leb_nle in H1.
f_equal; lia.
Lemma lift_comp :
∀ f k1 k2 i,
lift (k1 + k2) i (lift k2 k1 f) = lift k2 (k1 + i) f.
induction f as
|f1 IH1
|f1 IH1 f2 IH2
|f1 IH1 f2 IH2
|f1 IH1
|f1 IH1
|f1 IH1 f2 IH2 f3 IH3
|f1 IH1
|f1 IH1
|f1 IH1 f2 IH2
|f1 IH1 f2 IH2
|f1 IH1 f2 IH2
|f1 IH1 f2 IH2
intros k1 k2 i;
try (cbn; try rewrite <- PeanoNat.Nat.add_assoc; try rewrite IH1; try rewrite IH2; try rewrite IH3; try lia; reflexivity).
f_equal; lia.
destruct (n <=? k);
Lemma lift_additive :
∀ f k i1 i2,
lift k i1 (lift k i2 f) = lift k (i1 + i2) f.
induction f as
|f1 IH1
|f1 IH1 f2 IH2
|f1 IH1 f2 IH2
|f1 IH1
|f1 IH1
|f1 IH1 f2 IH2 f3 IH3
|f1 IH1
|f1 IH1
|f1 IH1 f2 IH2
|f1 IH1 f2 IH2
|f1 IH1 f2 IH2
|f1 IH1 f2 IH2
intros k i1 i2;
try (f_equal; try rewrite IH1; try rewrite IH2; try rewrite IH3; reflexivity).
destruct k as [|k].
f_equal; lia.
destruct (n <=? k) eqn:H1.
rewrite H1.
destruct (n + i2 <=? k) eqn:H2.
apply PeanoNat.Nat.leb_le in H2.
apply PeanoNat.Nat.leb_nle in H1.
f_equal; lia.
Lemma lift_comp :
∀ f k1 k2 i,
lift (k1 + k2) i (lift k2 k1 f) = lift k2 (k1 + i) f.
induction f as
|f1 IH1
|f1 IH1 f2 IH2
|f1 IH1 f2 IH2
|f1 IH1
|f1 IH1
|f1 IH1 f2 IH2 f3 IH3
|f1 IH1
|f1 IH1
|f1 IH1 f2 IH2
|f1 IH1 f2 IH2
|f1 IH1 f2 IH2
|f1 IH1 f2 IH2
intros k1 k2 i;
try (cbn; try rewrite <- PeanoNat.Nat.add_assoc; try rewrite IH1; try rewrite IH2; try rewrite IH3; try lia; reflexivity).
simpl lift.
destruct (n <? k2) eqn:B1.
apply PeanoNat.Nat.ltb_lt in B1 as P1.
simpl lift.
assert (P2 : n < k1 + k2). { lia. }
apply PeanoNat.Nat.ltb_lt in P2 as B2.
rewrite B2.
apply PeanoNat.Nat.ltb_nlt in B1 as P1.
simpl lift.
assert (P2 : ¬ n + k1 < k1 + k2). { lia. }
apply PeanoNat.Nat.ltb_nlt in P2 as B2.
rewrite B2.
f_equal; lia.
Lemma occ_lift_k_1 :
∀ f k x,
k ≤ x →
occ (lift k 1 f) (S x) →
occ f x.
induction f as
|f1 IH1
|f1 IH1 f2 IH2
|f1 IH1 f2 IH2
|f1 IH1
|f1 IH1
|f1 IH1 f2 IH2 f3 IH3
|f1 IH1
|f1 IH1
|f1 IH1 f2 IH2
|f1 IH1 f2 IH2
|f1 IH1 f2 IH2
|f1 IH1 f2 IH2
intros k x H1 H2;
try (destruct H2; [left; apply (IH1 k)|right; apply (IH2 k)]; easy).
destruct (n <? k2) eqn:B1.
apply PeanoNat.Nat.ltb_lt in B1 as P1.
simpl lift.
assert (P2 : n < k1 + k2). { lia. }
apply PeanoNat.Nat.ltb_lt in P2 as B2.
rewrite B2.
apply PeanoNat.Nat.ltb_nlt in B1 as P1.
simpl lift.
assert (P2 : ¬ n + k1 < k1 + k2). { lia. }
apply PeanoNat.Nat.ltb_nlt in P2 as B2.
rewrite B2.
f_equal; lia.
Lemma occ_lift_k_1 :
∀ f k x,
k ≤ x →
occ (lift k 1 f) (S x) →
occ f x.
induction f as
|f1 IH1
|f1 IH1 f2 IH2
|f1 IH1 f2 IH2
|f1 IH1
|f1 IH1
|f1 IH1 f2 IH2 f3 IH3
|f1 IH1
|f1 IH1
|f1 IH1 f2 IH2
|f1 IH1 f2 IH2
|f1 IH1 f2 IH2
|f1 IH1 f2 IH2
intros k x H1 H2;
try (destruct H2; [left; apply (IH1 k)|right; apply (IH2 k)]; easy).
cbn in ×.
destruct k as [|k].
cbn in H2.
destruct (n <=? k) eqn:H3.
cbn in H2.
Search ((_ <=? _) = true).
apply PeanoNat.Nat.leb_le in H3.
cbn in H2.
destruct k as [|k].
cbn in H2.
destruct (n <=? k) eqn:H3.
cbn in H2.
Search ((_ <=? _) = true).
apply PeanoNat.Nat.leb_le in H3.
cbn in H2.
repeat destruct H2 as [H2|H2].
left; apply (IH1 k); assumption.
right; left; apply (IH2 (k + 1)); [lia|exact H2].
right; right; apply (IH3 (k + 1)); [lia|exact H2].
Lemma occ_lift_reverse_k_1 :
∀ f k x,
k ≤ x →
occ f x →
occ (lift k 1 f) (S x).
induction f as
|f1 IH1
|f1 IH1 f2 IH2
|f1 IH1 f2 IH2
|f1 IH1
|f1 IH1
|f1 IH1 f2 IH2 f3 IH3
|f1 IH1
|f1 IH1
|f1 IH1 f2 IH2
|f1 IH1 f2 IH2
|f1 IH1 f2 IH2
|f1 IH1 f2 IH2
intros k x H1 H2;
try exact H2;
try (apply IH1; assumption);
try (destruct H2; [left; apply IH1 | right; apply IH2]; easy).
left; apply (IH1 k); assumption.
right; left; apply (IH2 (k + 1)); [lia|exact H2].
right; right; apply (IH3 (k + 1)); [lia|exact H2].
Lemma occ_lift_reverse_k_1 :
∀ f k x,
k ≤ x →
occ f x →
occ (lift k 1 f) (S x).
induction f as
|f1 IH1
|f1 IH1 f2 IH2
|f1 IH1 f2 IH2
|f1 IH1
|f1 IH1
|f1 IH1 f2 IH2 f3 IH3
|f1 IH1
|f1 IH1
|f1 IH1 f2 IH2
|f1 IH1 f2 IH2
|f1 IH1 f2 IH2
|f1 IH1 f2 IH2
intros k x H1 H2;
try exact H2;
try (apply IH1; assumption);
try (destruct H2; [left; apply IH1 | right; apply IH2]; easy).
cbn in ×.
subst n.
destruct k as [|k].
cbn; lia.
destruct (x <=? k) eqn:H2.
apply PeanoNat.Nat.leb_le in H2.
cbn; lia.
subst n.
destruct k as [|k].
cbn; lia.
destruct (x <=? k) eqn:H2.
apply PeanoNat.Nat.leb_le in H2.
cbn; lia.
apply IH1; [lia|exact H2].
repeat destruct H2 as [H2|H2].
left; apply IH1; assumption.
right; left; apply IH2; [lia|exact H2].
right; right; apply IH3; [lia|exact H2].
Lemma negative_occ_lift :
∀ f k i x,
k ≤ x →
x < k + i →
¬ (occ (lift k i f) x).
induction f as
|f1 IH1
|f1 IH1 f2 IH2
|f1 IH1 f2 IH2
|f1 IH1
|f1 IH1
|f1 IH1 f2 IH2 f3 IH3
|f1 IH1
|f1 IH1
|f1 IH1 f2 IH2
|f1 IH1 f2 IH2
|f1 IH1 f2 IH2
|f1 IH1 f2 IH2
intros k i x H1 H2 H3;
try exact H3;
try (apply (IH1 k i x); assumption);
try (destruct H3 as [H3|H3]; [apply (IH1 k i x) | apply (IH2 k i x)]; easy).
left; apply IH1; assumption.
right; left; apply IH2; [lia|exact H2].
right; right; apply IH3; [lia|exact H2].
Lemma negative_occ_lift :
∀ f k i x,
k ≤ x →
x < k + i →
¬ (occ (lift k i f) x).
induction f as
|f1 IH1
|f1 IH1 f2 IH2
|f1 IH1 f2 IH2
|f1 IH1
|f1 IH1
|f1 IH1 f2 IH2 f3 IH3
|f1 IH1
|f1 IH1
|f1 IH1 f2 IH2
|f1 IH1 f2 IH2
|f1 IH1 f2 IH2
|f1 IH1 f2 IH2
intros k i x H1 H2 H3;
try exact H3;
try (apply (IH1 k i x); assumption);
try (destruct H3 as [H3|H3]; [apply (IH1 k i x) | apply (IH2 k i x)]; easy).
unfold lift in H3.
destruct (n <? k) eqn:H4;
cbn in H3.
apply PeanoNat.Nat.ltb_lt in H4.
Search ((_ <? _) = false).
apply PeanoNat.Nat.ltb_nlt in H4.
symmetry in H3.
destruct (n <? k) eqn:H4;
cbn in H3.
apply PeanoNat.Nat.ltb_lt in H4.
Search ((_ <? _) = false).
apply PeanoNat.Nat.ltb_nlt in H4.
symmetry in H3.
repeat destruct H3 as [H3|H3].
apply (IH1 k i x); assumption.
apply (IH2 (k + 1) i (S x)); try lia; easy.
apply (IH3 (k + 1) i (S x)); try lia; easy.
Fixpoint subst (f : form) (x : nat) (s : form) : form :=
match f with
| f_var n ⇒
if n <? x
then f_var n
else if x <? n
then f_var (n - 1)
else lift 0 x s
| f_abs f1 ⇒ f_abs (subst f1 (S x) s)
| f_app f1 f2 ⇒ f_app (subst f1 x s) (subst f2 x s)
| f_star ⇒ f_star
| f_nat n ⇒ f_nat n
| f_pair f1 f2 ⇒ f_pair (subst f1 x s) (subst f2 x s)
| f_fst f1 ⇒ f_fst (subst f1 x s)
| f_snd f1 ⇒ f_snd (subst f1 x s)
| f_case f1 f2 f3 ⇒ f_case (subst f1 x s) (subst f2 (S x) s) (subst f3 (S x) s)
| f_inl f1 ⇒ f_inl (subst f1 x s)
| f_inr f1 ⇒ f_inr (subst f1 x s)
| f_fix a ⇒ f_fix a
| f_eq f1 f2 ⇒ f_eq (subst f1 x s) (subst f2 x s)
| f_leq f1 f2 ⇒ f_leq (subst f1 x s) (subst f2 x s)
| f_mul f1 f2 ⇒ f_mul (subst f1 x s) (subst f2 x s)
| f_minus f1 f2 ⇒ f_minus (subst f1 x s) (subst f2 x s)
apply (IH1 k i x); assumption.
apply (IH2 (k + 1) i (S x)); try lia; easy.
apply (IH3 (k + 1) i (S x)); try lia; easy.
Fixpoint subst (f : form) (x : nat) (s : form) : form :=
match f with
| f_var n ⇒
if n <? x
then f_var n
else if x <? n
then f_var (n - 1)
else lift 0 x s
| f_abs f1 ⇒ f_abs (subst f1 (S x) s)
| f_app f1 f2 ⇒ f_app (subst f1 x s) (subst f2 x s)
| f_star ⇒ f_star
| f_nat n ⇒ f_nat n
| f_pair f1 f2 ⇒ f_pair (subst f1 x s) (subst f2 x s)
| f_fst f1 ⇒ f_fst (subst f1 x s)
| f_snd f1 ⇒ f_snd (subst f1 x s)
| f_case f1 f2 f3 ⇒ f_case (subst f1 x s) (subst f2 (S x) s) (subst f3 (S x) s)
| f_inl f1 ⇒ f_inl (subst f1 x s)
| f_inr f1 ⇒ f_inr (subst f1 x s)
| f_fix a ⇒ f_fix a
| f_eq f1 f2 ⇒ f_eq (subst f1 x s) (subst f2 x s)
| f_leq f1 f2 ⇒ f_leq (subst f1 x s) (subst f2 x s)
| f_mul f1 f2 ⇒ f_mul (subst f1 x s) (subst f2 x s)
| f_minus f1 f2 ⇒ f_minus (subst f1 x s) (subst f2 x s)
Definition f_bool b :=
match b with
| true ⇒ f_inl
| false ⇒ f_inr
end f_star.
Theorem occ_f_bool :
∀ b x,
¬ occ (f_bool b) x.
intros b x H1;
destruct b;
Theorem lift_f_bool :
∀ k i b,
lift k i (f_bool b) = f_bool b.
intros ? ? b;
destruct b;
Theorem subst_f_bool :
∀ x s b,
subst (f_bool b) x s = f_bool b.
intros ? ? b;
destruct b;
match b with
| true ⇒ f_inl
| false ⇒ f_inr
end f_star.
Theorem occ_f_bool :
∀ b x,
¬ occ (f_bool b) x.
intros b x H1;
destruct b;
Theorem lift_f_bool :
∀ k i b,
lift k i (f_bool b) = f_bool b.
intros ? ? b;
destruct b;
Theorem subst_f_bool :
∀ x s b,
subst (f_bool b) x s = f_bool b.
intros ? ? b;
destruct b;
Definition f_ite f1 f2 f3 :=
f_case f1 (lift 0 1 f2) (lift 0 1 f3).
Theorem occ_f_ite :
∀ f1 f2 f3 x,
occ (f_ite f1 f2 f3) x ↔ occ f1 x ∨ occ f2 x ∨ occ f3 x.
intros f1 f2 f3 x.
intros H1;
repeat destruct H1 as [H1|H1].
left; exact H1.
right; left; apply occ_lift_k_1 in H1; [exact H1|lia].
right; right; apply occ_lift_k_1 in H1; [exact H1|lia].
left; exact H1.
right; left; apply occ_lift_reverse_k_1 with (k := 0); [lia|exact H1].
right; right; apply occ_lift_reverse_k_1 with (k := 0); [lia|exact H1].
Lemma lift_f_ite_helper :
∀ f k1 k2 i,
k2 ≤ k1 →
lift (k1 + 1) i (lift k2 1 f) = lift k2 1 (lift k1 i f).
induction f as
|f1 IH1
|f1 IH1 f2 IH2
|f1 IH1 f2 IH2
|f1 IH1
|f1 IH1
|f1 IH1 f2 IH2 f3 IH3
|f1 IH1
|f1 IH1
|f1 IH1 f2 IH2
|f1 IH1 f2 IH2
|f1 IH1 f2 IH2
|f1 IH1 f2 IH2
intros k1 k2 i H0;
try (cbn; try rewrite (IH1 _ _ _ H0); try rewrite (IH2 _ _ _ H0); reflexivity).
destruct k2 as [|k2],k1 as [|k1].
destruct (n + 1 <=? 0) eqn:H1.
apply PeanoNat.Nat.leb_le in H1.
f_equal; lia.
destruct (n <=? k1) eqn:H1.
destruct (n + 1 <=? k1 + 1) eqn:H2.
apply PeanoNat.Nat.leb_le in H1.
apply PeanoNat.Nat.leb_nle in H2.
destruct (n + 1 <=? k1 + 1) eqn:H2.
apply PeanoNat.Nat.leb_nle in H1.
apply PeanoNat.Nat.leb_le in H2.
f_equal; lia.
destruct (n <=? k2) eqn:H1.
destruct (n <=? 0) eqn:H2, (n + i <=? k2) eqn:H3.
apply PeanoNat.Nat.leb_le in H1,H2,H3.
apply PeanoNat.Nat.leb_le in H1,H2.
apply PeanoNat.Nat.leb_nle in H3.
apply PeanoNat.Nat.leb_le in H1,H3.
apply PeanoNat.Nat.leb_nle in H2.
apply PeanoNat.Nat.leb_le in H1.
apply PeanoNat.Nat.leb_nle in H2,H3.
destruct (n <=? k2) eqn:H1, (n <=? k1) eqn:H2.
destruct (n <=? k1 + 1) eqn:H3, (n <=? k2) eqn:H4.
apply PeanoNat.Nat.leb_le in H2.
apply PeanoNat.Nat.leb_nle in H3.
apply PeanoNat.Nat.leb_le in H1.
apply PeanoNat.Nat.leb_nle in H2.
destruct (n + 1 <=? k1 + 1) eqn:H3, (n <=? k2) eqn:H4.
apply PeanoNat.Nat.leb_nle in H4,H3.
apply PeanoNat.Nat.leb_le in H2.
destruct (n + 1 <=? k1 + 1) eqn:H3;
destruct (n + i <=? k2) eqn:H4.
apply PeanoNat.Nat.leb_le in H3,H4.
apply PeanoNat.Nat.leb_nle in H1,H2.
apply PeanoNat.Nat.leb_le in H3.
apply PeanoNat.Nat.leb_nle in H1,H2,H4.
apply PeanoNat.Nat.leb_le in H4.
apply PeanoNat.Nat.leb_nle in H1,H2,H3.
f_equal; lia.
destruct k2 as [|k2],k1 as [|k1].
destruct (n + 1 <=? 0) eqn:H1.
apply PeanoNat.Nat.leb_le in H1.
f_equal; lia.
destruct (n <=? k1) eqn:H1.
destruct (n + 1 <=? k1 + 1) eqn:H2.
apply PeanoNat.Nat.leb_le in H1.
apply PeanoNat.Nat.leb_nle in H2.
destruct (n + 1 <=? k1 + 1) eqn:H2.
apply PeanoNat.Nat.leb_nle in H1.
apply PeanoNat.Nat.leb_le in H2.
f_equal; lia.
destruct (n <=? k2) eqn:H1.
destruct (n <=? 0) eqn:H2, (n + i <=? k2) eqn:H3.
apply PeanoNat.Nat.leb_le in H1,H2,H3.
apply PeanoNat.Nat.leb_le in H1,H2.
apply PeanoNat.Nat.leb_nle in H3.
apply PeanoNat.Nat.leb_le in H1,H3.
apply PeanoNat.Nat.leb_nle in H2.
apply PeanoNat.Nat.leb_le in H1.
apply PeanoNat.Nat.leb_nle in H2,H3.
destruct (n <=? k2) eqn:H1, (n <=? k1) eqn:H2.
destruct (n <=? k1 + 1) eqn:H3, (n <=? k2) eqn:H4.
apply PeanoNat.Nat.leb_le in H2.
apply PeanoNat.Nat.leb_nle in H3.
apply PeanoNat.Nat.leb_le in H1.
apply PeanoNat.Nat.leb_nle in H2.
destruct (n + 1 <=? k1 + 1) eqn:H3, (n <=? k2) eqn:H4.
apply PeanoNat.Nat.leb_nle in H4,H3.
apply PeanoNat.Nat.leb_le in H2.
destruct (n + 1 <=? k1 + 1) eqn:H3;
destruct (n + i <=? k2) eqn:H4.
apply PeanoNat.Nat.leb_le in H3,H4.
apply PeanoNat.Nat.leb_nle in H1,H2.
apply PeanoNat.Nat.leb_le in H3.
apply PeanoNat.Nat.leb_nle in H1,H2,H4.
apply PeanoNat.Nat.leb_le in H4.
apply PeanoNat.Nat.leb_nle in H1,H2,H3.
f_equal; lia.
apply IH1.
apply IH1.
apply IH1.
exact H0.
apply IH2.
apply IH3.
Theorem lift_f_ite :
∀ k i f1 f2 f3,
lift k i (f_ite f1 f2 f3) = f_ite (lift k i f1) (lift k i f2) (lift k i f3).
intros k i f1 f2 f3.
unfold f_ite.
f_equal; apply lift_f_ite_helper; lia.
Lemma subst_f_ite_helper :
∀ f k x s,
k ≤ x →
subst (lift k 1 f) (S x) s = lift k 1 (subst f x s).
induction f as
|f1 IH1
|f1 IH1 f2 IH2
|f1 IH1 f2 IH2
|f1 IH1
|f1 IH1
|f1 IH1 f2 IH2 f3 IH3
|f1 IH1
|f1 IH1
|f1 IH1 f2 IH2
|f1 IH1 f2 IH2
|f1 IH1 f2 IH2
|f1 IH1 f2 IH2
intros k x s H1;
try (cbn; try rewrite IH1; try rewrite IH2; try rewrite IH3; try reflexivity; lia).
apply IH1.
exact H0.
apply IH2.
apply IH3.
Theorem lift_f_ite :
∀ k i f1 f2 f3,
lift k i (f_ite f1 f2 f3) = f_ite (lift k i f1) (lift k i f2) (lift k i f3).
intros k i f1 f2 f3.
unfold f_ite.
f_equal; apply lift_f_ite_helper; lia.
Lemma subst_f_ite_helper :
∀ f k x s,
k ≤ x →
subst (lift k 1 f) (S x) s = lift k 1 (subst f x s).
induction f as
|f1 IH1
|f1 IH1 f2 IH2
|f1 IH1 f2 IH2
|f1 IH1
|f1 IH1
|f1 IH1 f2 IH2 f3 IH3
|f1 IH1
|f1 IH1
|f1 IH1 f2 IH2
|f1 IH1 f2 IH2
|f1 IH1 f2 IH2
|f1 IH1 f2 IH2
intros k x s H1;
try (cbn; try rewrite IH1; try rewrite IH2; try rewrite IH3; try reflexivity; lia).
simpl lift at 1.
simpl subst at 2.
destruct (n <? k) eqn:B1;
destruct (n <? x) eqn:B2.
apply PeanoNat.Nat.ltb_lt in B1 as P1,B2 as P2.
simpl subst.
simpl lift at 2.
rewrite B1.
destruct (n <? S x) eqn:B3.
apply PeanoNat.Nat.ltb_nlt in B3; lia.
apply PeanoNat.Nat.ltb_lt in B1 as P1.
apply PeanoNat.Nat.ltb_nlt in B2 as P2.
apply PeanoNat.Nat.ltb_nlt in B1 as P1.
apply PeanoNat.Nat.ltb_lt in B2 as P2.
simpl subst.
assert (P3 : n + 1 < S x). { lia. }
apply PeanoNat.Nat.ltb_lt in P3 as B3.
rewrite B3.
simpl lift.
rewrite B1.
apply PeanoNat.Nat.ltb_nlt in B1 as P1,B2 as P2.
destruct (x <? n) eqn:B3.
simpl subst.
assert (P4 : ¬ n + 1 < S x). { lia. }
apply PeanoNat.Nat.ltb_nlt in P4 as B4.
rewrite B4.
apply PeanoNat.Nat.ltb_lt in B3 as P3.
assert (P5 : S x < n + 1). { lia. }
apply PeanoNat.Nat.ltb_lt in P5 as B5.
rewrite B5.
simpl lift.
assert (P6 : ¬ n - 1 < k). { lia. }
apply PeanoNat.Nat.ltb_nlt in P6 as B6.
rewrite B6.
apply PeanoNat.Nat.ltb_nlt in B3 as P3.
assert (H2 : x = n). { lia. }
subst x.
clear B2 P2 B3 P3.
clear H1.
simpl subst.
assert (P2 : ¬ n + 1 < S n). { lia. }
apply PeanoNat.Nat.ltb_nlt in P2 as B2.
rewrite B2.
assert (P3 : ¬ S n < n + 1). { lia. }
apply PeanoNat.Nat.ltb_nlt in P3 as B3.
rewrite B3.
clear P2 B2 P3 B3.
assert (P2 : k ≤ n). { lia. }
clear B1 P1.
assert (H1 : ∃ n', k + n' = n).
∃ (n - k).
destruct H1 as [n' H1].
rewrite <- H1 at 2.
rewrite <- lift_additive.
rewrite <- (PeanoNat.Nat.add_0_r k) at 1.
rewrite lift_comp.
rewrite lift_additive.
f_equal; lia.
Theorem subst_f_ite :
∀ f1 f2 f3 x s,
subst (f_ite f1 f2 f3) x s = f_ite (subst f1 x s) (subst f2 x s) (subst f3 x s).
intros f1 f2 f3 x s.
unfold f_ite.
f_equal; apply subst_f_ite_helper; lia.
simpl subst at 2.
destruct (n <? k) eqn:B1;
destruct (n <? x) eqn:B2.
apply PeanoNat.Nat.ltb_lt in B1 as P1,B2 as P2.
simpl subst.
simpl lift at 2.
rewrite B1.
destruct (n <? S x) eqn:B3.
apply PeanoNat.Nat.ltb_nlt in B3; lia.
apply PeanoNat.Nat.ltb_lt in B1 as P1.
apply PeanoNat.Nat.ltb_nlt in B2 as P2.
apply PeanoNat.Nat.ltb_nlt in B1 as P1.
apply PeanoNat.Nat.ltb_lt in B2 as P2.
simpl subst.
assert (P3 : n + 1 < S x). { lia. }
apply PeanoNat.Nat.ltb_lt in P3 as B3.
rewrite B3.
simpl lift.
rewrite B1.
apply PeanoNat.Nat.ltb_nlt in B1 as P1,B2 as P2.
destruct (x <? n) eqn:B3.
simpl subst.
assert (P4 : ¬ n + 1 < S x). { lia. }
apply PeanoNat.Nat.ltb_nlt in P4 as B4.
rewrite B4.
apply PeanoNat.Nat.ltb_lt in B3 as P3.
assert (P5 : S x < n + 1). { lia. }
apply PeanoNat.Nat.ltb_lt in P5 as B5.
rewrite B5.
simpl lift.
assert (P6 : ¬ n - 1 < k). { lia. }
apply PeanoNat.Nat.ltb_nlt in P6 as B6.
rewrite B6.
apply PeanoNat.Nat.ltb_nlt in B3 as P3.
assert (H2 : x = n). { lia. }
subst x.
clear B2 P2 B3 P3.
clear H1.
simpl subst.
assert (P2 : ¬ n + 1 < S n). { lia. }
apply PeanoNat.Nat.ltb_nlt in P2 as B2.
rewrite B2.
assert (P3 : ¬ S n < n + 1). { lia. }
apply PeanoNat.Nat.ltb_nlt in P3 as B3.
rewrite B3.
clear P2 B2 P3 B3.
assert (P2 : k ≤ n). { lia. }
clear B1 P1.
assert (H1 : ∃ n', k + n' = n).
∃ (n - k).
destruct H1 as [n' H1].
rewrite <- H1 at 2.
rewrite <- lift_additive.
rewrite <- (PeanoNat.Nat.add_0_r k) at 1.
rewrite lift_comp.
rewrite lift_additive.
f_equal; lia.
Theorem subst_f_ite :
∀ f1 f2 f3 x s,
subst (f_ite f1 f2 f3) x s = f_ite (subst f1 x s) (subst f2 x s) (subst f3 x s).
intros f1 f2 f3 x s.
unfold f_ite.
f_equal; apply subst_f_ite_helper; lia.
Inductive f_deriv : context → form → type → Prop :=
| f_deriv_var :
∀ x A c,
c x = Some A →
f_deriv c (f_var x) A
| f_deriv_abs :
∀ c A t B,
f_deriv (cupdate (clift 0 1 c) 0 A) t B →
f_deriv c (f_abs t) (ty_func A B)
| f_deriv_app :
∀ c s A B t,
f_deriv c s (ty_func A B) →
f_deriv c t A →
f_deriv c (f_app s t) B
| f_deriv_star :
∀ c,
f_deriv c f_star ty_unit
| f_deriv_nat :
∀ c n,
f_deriv c (f_nat n) ty_nat
| f_deriv_pair :
∀ c t A s B,
f_deriv c t A →
f_deriv c s B →
f_deriv c (f_pair t s) (ty_prod A B)
| f_deriv_fst :
∀ c t A B,
f_deriv c t (ty_prod A B) →
f_deriv c (f_fst t) A
| f_deriv_snd :
∀ c t A B,
f_deriv c t (ty_prod A B) →
f_deriv c (f_snd t) B
| f_deriv_case :
∀ c b A B p C q,
f_deriv c b (ty_sum A B) →
f_deriv (cupdate (clift 0 1 c) 0 A) p C →
f_deriv (cupdate (clift 0 1 c) 0 B) q C →
f_deriv c (f_case b p q) C
| f_deriv_inl :
∀ c t A B,
f_deriv c t A →
f_deriv c (f_inl t) (ty_sum A B)
| f_deriv_inr :
∀ c t A B,
f_deriv c t B →
f_deriv c (f_inr t) (ty_sum A B)
| f_deriv_fix :
∀ c A,
f_deriv c (f_fix A) (ty_func (ty_func A A) A)
| f_deriv_eq :
∀ c s A t,
f_deriv c s A →
f_deriv c t A →
(A = ty_unit ∨ A = ty_nat) →
f_deriv c (f_eq s t) ty_bool
| f_deriv_leq :
∀ c t s,
f_deriv c t ty_nat →
f_deriv c s ty_nat →
f_deriv c (f_leq t s) ty_bool
| f_deriv_mul :
∀ c t s,
f_deriv c t ty_nat →
f_deriv c s ty_nat →
f_deriv c (f_mul t s) ty_nat
| f_deriv_minus :
∀ c t s,
f_deriv c t ty_nat →
f_deriv c s ty_nat →
f_deriv c (f_minus t s) ty_nat.
Theorem f_deriv_bool :
∀ c b,
f_deriv c (f_bool b) ty_bool.
intros c [|];
do 2 constructor.
Lemma f_deriv_weakening :
∀ c1 f T1,
f_deriv c1 f T1 →
∀ c2,
(∀ x T1, c1 x = Some T1 → c2 x = Some T1) →
f_deriv c2 f T1.
induction 1 as
[x1 T1 c1 H1
|c1 T1 t T2 H1 IH1
|c1 s T1 T2 t H1 IH1 H2 IH2
|c1 n
|c1 t T1 s T2 H1 IH1 H2 IH2
|c1 t T1 T2 H1 IH1
|c1 t T1 T2 H1 IH1
|c1 b T1 T2 p T3 q H1 IH1 H2 IH2 H3 IH3
|c1 t T1 T2 H1 IH1
|c1 t T1 T2 H1 IH1
|c1 T1
|c1 s T1 t H1 IH1 H2 IH2 H3
|c1 t s H1 IH1 H2 IH2
|c1 t s H1 IH1 H2 IH2
|c1 t s H1 IH1 H2 IH2
intros c2 H4;
eauto using f_deriv.
apply IH1.
intros x T3 H5.
destruct x as [|x].
exact H5.
assert (H6 : S x = x + 1). lia.
rewrite H6.
erewrite <- H4.
specialize cupdate_clift_free with (k := 0) (i := 0) (c := c2) (T := T1) (x := x) as H7.
apply H7.
cbn in H5.
rewrite sub_0_r in H5.
exact H5.
apply IH1.
intros x T3 H5.
destruct x as [|x].
exact H5.
assert (H6 : S x = x + 1). lia.
rewrite H6.
erewrite <- H4.
specialize cupdate_clift_free with (k := 0) (i := 0) (c := c2) (T := T1) (x := x) as H7.
apply H7.
cbn in H5.
rewrite sub_0_r in H5.
exact H5.
apply IH1.
exact H4.
apply IH2.
intros x T4 H5.
destruct x as [|x].
exact H5.
assert (H6 : S x = x + 1). lia.
rewrite H6.
erewrite <- H4.
specialize cupdate_clift_free with (k := 0) (i := 0) (c := c2) (T := T1) (x := x) as H7.
apply H7.
cbn in H5.
rewrite sub_0_r in H5.
exact H5.
apply IH3.
intros x T4 H5.
destruct x as [|x].
exact H5.
assert (H6 : S x = x + 1). lia.
rewrite H6.
erewrite <- H4.
specialize cupdate_clift_free with (k := 0) (i := 0) (c := c2) (T := T2) (x := x) as H7.
apply H7.
cbn in H5.
rewrite sub_0_r in H5.
exact H5.
Lemma f_deriv_cupdate :
∀ c f T1,
f_deriv c f T1 →
∀ v T2,
c v = None →
f_deriv (cupdate c v T2) f T1.
intros c f T1 H1 v T2 H2.
apply f_deriv_weakening with (c1 := c).
exact H1.
intros x T3 H3.
unfold cupdate.
destruct (v =? x) eqn:B1.
apply eqb_eq in B1 as P1.
subst v.
rewrite H2 in H3.
exact H3.
Lemma f_deriv_lift :
∀ c f T,
f_deriv c f T →
∀ k i,
f_deriv (clift k i c) (lift k i f) T.
induction 1 as
[x T1 c H1
|c T1 t T2 H1 IH1
|c s T1 T2 t H1 IH1 H2 IH2
|c n
|c t T1 s T2 H1 IH1 H2 IH2
|c t T1 T2 H1 IH1
|c t T1 T2 H1 IH1
|c b T1 T2 p T3 q H1 IH1 H2 IH2 H3 IH3
|c t T1 T2 H1 IH1
|c t T1 T2 H1 IH1
|c T1
|c s T1 t H1 IH1 H2 IH2 H3
|c t s H1 IH1 H2 IH2
|c t s H1 IH1 H2 IH2
|c t s H1 IH1 H2 IH2
intros k i;
eauto using f_deriv.
apply IH1.
exact H4.
apply IH2.
intros x T4 H5.
destruct x as [|x].
exact H5.
assert (H6 : S x = x + 1). lia.
rewrite H6.
erewrite <- H4.
specialize cupdate_clift_free with (k := 0) (i := 0) (c := c2) (T := T1) (x := x) as H7.
apply H7.
cbn in H5.
rewrite sub_0_r in H5.
exact H5.
apply IH3.
intros x T4 H5.
destruct x as [|x].
exact H5.
assert (H6 : S x = x + 1). lia.
rewrite H6.
erewrite <- H4.
specialize cupdate_clift_free with (k := 0) (i := 0) (c := c2) (T := T2) (x := x) as H7.
apply H7.
cbn in H5.
rewrite sub_0_r in H5.
exact H5.
Lemma f_deriv_cupdate :
∀ c f T1,
f_deriv c f T1 →
∀ v T2,
c v = None →
f_deriv (cupdate c v T2) f T1.
intros c f T1 H1 v T2 H2.
apply f_deriv_weakening with (c1 := c).
exact H1.
intros x T3 H3.
unfold cupdate.
destruct (v =? x) eqn:B1.
apply eqb_eq in B1 as P1.
subst v.
rewrite H2 in H3.
exact H3.
Lemma f_deriv_lift :
∀ c f T,
f_deriv c f T →
∀ k i,
f_deriv (clift k i c) (lift k i f) T.
induction 1 as
[x T1 c H1
|c T1 t T2 H1 IH1
|c s T1 T2 t H1 IH1 H2 IH2
|c n
|c t T1 s T2 H1 IH1 H2 IH2
|c t T1 T2 H1 IH1
|c t T1 T2 H1 IH1
|c b T1 T2 p T3 q H1 IH1 H2 IH2 H3 IH3
|c t T1 T2 H1 IH1
|c t T1 T2 H1 IH1
|c T1
|c s T1 t H1 IH1 H2 IH2 H3
|c t s H1 IH1 H2 IH2
|c t s H1 IH1 H2 IH2
|c t s H1 IH1 H2 IH2
intros k i;
eauto using f_deriv.
unfold lift.
destruct (x <? k) eqn:B1; constructor.
unfold clift.
rewrite B1.
exact H1.
unfold clift.
apply ltb_nlt in B1 as P1.
assert (P2 : ¬ x + i < k). lia.
apply ltb_nlt in P2 as B2.
rewrite B2.
assert (P3 : ¬ x + i < k + i). lia.
apply ltb_nlt in P3 as B3.
rewrite B3.
rewrite <- H1.
f_equal; lia.
destruct (x <? k) eqn:B1; constructor.
unfold clift.
rewrite B1.
exact H1.
unfold clift.
apply ltb_nlt in B1 as P1.
assert (P2 : ¬ x + i < k). lia.
apply ltb_nlt in P2 as B2.
rewrite B2.
assert (P3 : ¬ x + i < k + i). lia.
apply ltb_nlt in P3 as B3.
rewrite B3.
rewrite <- H1.
f_equal; lia.
eapply f_deriv_weakening.
apply IH1.
intros x T3 H2.
clear IH1 H1.
unfold cupdate.
destruct x as [|x].
unfold clift in H2.
assert (P1 : 0 < k + 1). lia.
apply ltb_lt in P1 as B1.
rewrite B1 in H2.
clear P1 B1.
unfold cupdate in H2.
cbn in H2.
exact H2.
rewrite sub_0_r.
unfold clift in H2.
unfold clift.
destruct (x <? k) eqn:B1.
apply ltb_lt in B1 as P1.
assert (P2 : S x < k + 1). lia.
apply ltb_lt in P2 as B2.
rewrite B2 in H2.
unfold cupdate in H2.
cbn in H2.
rewrite sub_0_r in H2.
exact H2.
apply ltb_nlt in B1 as P1.
assert (P2 : ¬ S x < k + 1). lia.
apply ltb_nlt in P2 as B2.
rewrite B2 in H2.
clear P2 B2.
destruct (x <? k + i) eqn:B2.
apply ltb_lt in B2 as P2.
assert (P3 : S x < k + 1 + i). lia.
apply ltb_lt in P3 as B3.
rewrite B3 in H2.
exact H2.
apply ltb_nlt in B2 as P2.
assert (P3 : ¬ S x < k + 1 + i). lia.
apply ltb_nlt in P3 as B3.
rewrite B3 in H2.
clear B3 P3.
unfold cupdate in H2.
destruct (0 =? S x - i) eqn:B3.
apply eqb_eq in B3 as P3.
apply eqb_neq in B3 as P3.
assert (P4 : ¬ S x - i < 0). lia.
apply ltb_nlt in P4 as B4.
rewrite B4 in H2.
assert (P5 : ¬ S x - i < 0 + 1). lia.
apply ltb_nlt in P5 as B5.
rewrite B5 in H2.
rewrite <- H2.
f_equal; lia.
eapply f_deriv_weakening.
apply IH1.
intros x T3 H2.
clear IH1 H1.
unfold cupdate.
destruct x as [|x].
unfold clift in H2.
assert (P1 : 0 < k + 1). lia.
apply ltb_lt in P1 as B1.
rewrite B1 in H2.
clear P1 B1.
unfold cupdate in H2.
cbn in H2.
exact H2.
rewrite sub_0_r.
unfold clift in H2.
unfold clift.
destruct (x <? k) eqn:B1.
apply ltb_lt in B1 as P1.
assert (P2 : S x < k + 1). lia.
apply ltb_lt in P2 as B2.
rewrite B2 in H2.
unfold cupdate in H2.
cbn in H2.
rewrite sub_0_r in H2.
exact H2.
apply ltb_nlt in B1 as P1.
assert (P2 : ¬ S x < k + 1). lia.
apply ltb_nlt in P2 as B2.
rewrite B2 in H2.
clear P2 B2.
destruct (x <? k + i) eqn:B2.
apply ltb_lt in B2 as P2.
assert (P3 : S x < k + 1 + i). lia.
apply ltb_lt in P3 as B3.
rewrite B3 in H2.
exact H2.
apply ltb_nlt in B2 as P2.
assert (P3 : ¬ S x < k + 1 + i). lia.
apply ltb_nlt in P3 as B3.
rewrite B3 in H2.
clear B3 P3.
unfold cupdate in H2.
destruct (0 =? S x - i) eqn:B3.
apply eqb_eq in B3 as P3.
apply eqb_neq in B3 as P3.
assert (P4 : ¬ S x - i < 0). lia.
apply ltb_nlt in P4 as B4.
rewrite B4 in H2.
assert (P5 : ¬ S x - i < 0 + 1). lia.
apply ltb_nlt in P5 as B5.
rewrite B5 in H2.
rewrite <- H2.
f_equal; lia.
apply IH1.
eapply f_deriv_weakening.
apply IH2.
intros x T4 H4.
clear IH1 H1.
unfold cupdate.
destruct x as [|x].
unfold clift in H4.
assert (P1 : 0 < k + 1). lia.
apply ltb_lt in P1 as B1.
rewrite B1 in H4.
clear P1 B1.
unfold cupdate in H4.
cbn in H4.
exact H4.
rewrite sub_0_r.
unfold clift in H4.
unfold clift.
destruct (x <? k) eqn:B1.
apply ltb_lt in B1 as P1.
assert (P2 : S x < k + 1). lia.
apply ltb_lt in P2 as B2.
rewrite B2 in H4.
unfold cupdate in H4.
cbn in H4.
rewrite sub_0_r in H4.
exact H4.
apply ltb_nlt in B1 as P1.
assert (P2 : ¬ S x < k + 1). lia.
apply ltb_nlt in P2 as B2.
rewrite B2 in H4.
clear P2 B2.
destruct (x <? k + i) eqn:B2.
apply ltb_lt in B2 as P2.
assert (P3 : S x < k + 1 + i). lia.
apply ltb_lt in P3 as B3.
rewrite B3 in H4.
exact H4.
apply ltb_nlt in B2 as P2.
assert (P3 : ¬ S x < k + 1 + i). lia.
apply ltb_nlt in P3 as B3.
rewrite B3 in H4.
clear B3 P3.
unfold cupdate in H4.
destruct (0 =? S x - i) eqn:B3.
apply eqb_eq in B3 as P3.
apply eqb_neq in B3 as P3.
assert (P4 : ¬ S x - i < 0). lia.
apply ltb_nlt in P4 as B4.
rewrite B4 in H4.
assert (P5 : ¬ S x - i < 0 + 1). lia.
apply ltb_nlt in P5 as B5.
rewrite B5 in H4.
rewrite <- H4.
f_equal; lia.
eapply f_deriv_weakening.
apply IH3.
intros x T4 H4.
clear IH1 H1.
unfold cupdate.
destruct x as [|x].
unfold clift in H4.
assert (P1 : 0 < k + 1). lia.
apply ltb_lt in P1 as B1.
rewrite B1 in H4.
clear P1 B1.
unfold cupdate in H4.
cbn in H4.
exact H4.
rewrite sub_0_r.
unfold clift in H4.
unfold clift.
destruct (x <? k) eqn:B1.
apply ltb_lt in B1 as P1.
assert (P2 : S x < k + 1). lia.
apply ltb_lt in P2 as B2.
rewrite B2 in H4.
unfold cupdate in H4.
cbn in H4.
rewrite sub_0_r in H4.
exact H4.
apply ltb_nlt in B1 as P1.
assert (P2 : ¬ S x < k + 1). lia.
apply ltb_nlt in P2 as B2.
rewrite B2 in H4.
clear P2 B2.
destruct (x <? k + i) eqn:B2.
apply ltb_lt in B2 as P2.
assert (P3 : S x < k + 1 + i). lia.
apply ltb_lt in P3 as B3.
rewrite B3 in H4.
exact H4.
apply ltb_nlt in B2 as P2.
assert (P3 : ¬ S x < k + 1 + i). lia.
apply ltb_nlt in P3 as B3.
rewrite B3 in H4.
clear B3 P3.
unfold cupdate in H4.
destruct (0 =? S x - i) eqn:B3.
apply eqb_eq in B3 as P3.
apply eqb_neq in B3 as P3.
assert (P4 : ¬ S x - i < 0). lia.
apply ltb_nlt in P4 as B4.
rewrite B4 in H4.
assert (P5 : ¬ S x - i < 0 + 1). lia.
apply ltb_nlt in P5 as B5.
rewrite B5 in H4.
rewrite <- H4.
f_equal; lia.
Theorem f_deriv_ite :
∀ c b s A t,
f_deriv c b ty_bool →
f_deriv c s A →
f_deriv c t A →
f_deriv c (f_ite b s t) A.
eauto using f_deriv_cupdate, f_deriv_lift.
Example f_deriv_ex_1 :
∀ c,
∃ A,
let f :=
(f_abs (f_app (f_var 0) (f_nat 3)))
(f_app (f_abs (f_ite (f_var 0) (f_nat 0) (f_nat 1))) (f_eq (f_nat 3) (f_nat 3)))
f_deriv c f A.
intros c;
apply f_deriv_pair.
apply f_deriv_abs.
eapply f_deriv_app.
apply f_deriv_var.
apply f_deriv_nat.
eapply f_deriv_app.
apply f_deriv_abs.
apply f_deriv_ite.
apply f_deriv_var.
apply f_deriv_nat.
apply f_deriv_nat.
eapply f_deriv_eq.
apply f_deriv_nat.
apply f_deriv_nat.
right; reflexivity.
auto using type.
Example deriv_ex_2 :
let c := cempty in
let f1 := f_abs (f_case (f_var 0) (f_nat 42) (f_nat 43)) in
let f2 := f_inl (f_nat 642) in
let f := f_app f1 f2 in
let ty := ty_nat in
f_deriv c f ty.
eapply f_deriv_app.
apply f_deriv_abs.
eapply f_deriv_case.
apply f_deriv_var.
apply f_deriv_nat.
apply f_deriv_nat.
apply f_deriv_inl.
apply f_deriv_nat.
exact ty_unit.
Definition is_term (f : form) := ∃ c A, f_deriv c f A.
Module MaybeMonad.
Let M := fun ty ⇒ ty_sum ty ty_unit.
Definition f_return := f_inl.
Definition f_do p q := f_case p q (f_inr (f_var 0)).
Theorem ret :
∀ c t A,
f_deriv c t A →
f_deriv c (f_return t) (M A).
eauto using f_deriv.
Theorem bind :
∀ c p B q C,
f_deriv c p (M B) →
f_deriv (cupdate (clift 0 1 c) 0 B) q (M C) →
f_deriv c (f_do p q) (M C).
intros c p B q C H1 H2.
unfold f_do.
eapply f_deriv_case.
exact H1.
exact H2.
apply f_deriv_inr.
apply f_deriv_var.
unfold cupdate.
Print Assumptions bind.
End MaybeMonad.
apply IH1.
eapply f_deriv_weakening.
apply IH2.
intros x T4 H4.
clear IH1 H1.
unfold cupdate.
destruct x as [|x].
unfold clift in H4.
assert (P1 : 0 < k + 1). lia.
apply ltb_lt in P1 as B1.
rewrite B1 in H4.
clear P1 B1.
unfold cupdate in H4.
cbn in H4.
exact H4.
rewrite sub_0_r.
unfold clift in H4.
unfold clift.
destruct (x <? k) eqn:B1.
apply ltb_lt in B1 as P1.
assert (P2 : S x < k + 1). lia.
apply ltb_lt in P2 as B2.
rewrite B2 in H4.
unfold cupdate in H4.
cbn in H4.
rewrite sub_0_r in H4.
exact H4.
apply ltb_nlt in B1 as P1.
assert (P2 : ¬ S x < k + 1). lia.
apply ltb_nlt in P2 as B2.
rewrite B2 in H4.
clear P2 B2.
destruct (x <? k + i) eqn:B2.
apply ltb_lt in B2 as P2.
assert (P3 : S x < k + 1 + i). lia.
apply ltb_lt in P3 as B3.
rewrite B3 in H4.
exact H4.
apply ltb_nlt in B2 as P2.
assert (P3 : ¬ S x < k + 1 + i). lia.
apply ltb_nlt in P3 as B3.
rewrite B3 in H4.
clear B3 P3.
unfold cupdate in H4.
destruct (0 =? S x - i) eqn:B3.
apply eqb_eq in B3 as P3.
apply eqb_neq in B3 as P3.
assert (P4 : ¬ S x - i < 0). lia.
apply ltb_nlt in P4 as B4.
rewrite B4 in H4.
assert (P5 : ¬ S x - i < 0 + 1). lia.
apply ltb_nlt in P5 as B5.
rewrite B5 in H4.
rewrite <- H4.
f_equal; lia.
eapply f_deriv_weakening.
apply IH3.
intros x T4 H4.
clear IH1 H1.
unfold cupdate.
destruct x as [|x].
unfold clift in H4.
assert (P1 : 0 < k + 1). lia.
apply ltb_lt in P1 as B1.
rewrite B1 in H4.
clear P1 B1.
unfold cupdate in H4.
cbn in H4.
exact H4.
rewrite sub_0_r.
unfold clift in H4.
unfold clift.
destruct (x <? k) eqn:B1.
apply ltb_lt in B1 as P1.
assert (P2 : S x < k + 1). lia.
apply ltb_lt in P2 as B2.
rewrite B2 in H4.
unfold cupdate in H4.
cbn in H4.
rewrite sub_0_r in H4.
exact H4.
apply ltb_nlt in B1 as P1.
assert (P2 : ¬ S x < k + 1). lia.
apply ltb_nlt in P2 as B2.
rewrite B2 in H4.
clear P2 B2.
destruct (x <? k + i) eqn:B2.
apply ltb_lt in B2 as P2.
assert (P3 : S x < k + 1 + i). lia.
apply ltb_lt in P3 as B3.
rewrite B3 in H4.
exact H4.
apply ltb_nlt in B2 as P2.
assert (P3 : ¬ S x < k + 1 + i). lia.
apply ltb_nlt in P3 as B3.
rewrite B3 in H4.
clear B3 P3.
unfold cupdate in H4.
destruct (0 =? S x - i) eqn:B3.
apply eqb_eq in B3 as P3.
apply eqb_neq in B3 as P3.
assert (P4 : ¬ S x - i < 0). lia.
apply ltb_nlt in P4 as B4.
rewrite B4 in H4.
assert (P5 : ¬ S x - i < 0 + 1). lia.
apply ltb_nlt in P5 as B5.
rewrite B5 in H4.
rewrite <- H4.
f_equal; lia.
Theorem f_deriv_ite :
∀ c b s A t,
f_deriv c b ty_bool →
f_deriv c s A →
f_deriv c t A →
f_deriv c (f_ite b s t) A.
eauto using f_deriv_cupdate, f_deriv_lift.
Example f_deriv_ex_1 :
∀ c,
∃ A,
let f :=
(f_abs (f_app (f_var 0) (f_nat 3)))
(f_app (f_abs (f_ite (f_var 0) (f_nat 0) (f_nat 1))) (f_eq (f_nat 3) (f_nat 3)))
f_deriv c f A.
intros c;
apply f_deriv_pair.
apply f_deriv_abs.
eapply f_deriv_app.
apply f_deriv_var.
apply f_deriv_nat.
eapply f_deriv_app.
apply f_deriv_abs.
apply f_deriv_ite.
apply f_deriv_var.
apply f_deriv_nat.
apply f_deriv_nat.
eapply f_deriv_eq.
apply f_deriv_nat.
apply f_deriv_nat.
right; reflexivity.
auto using type.
Example deriv_ex_2 :
let c := cempty in
let f1 := f_abs (f_case (f_var 0) (f_nat 42) (f_nat 43)) in
let f2 := f_inl (f_nat 642) in
let f := f_app f1 f2 in
let ty := ty_nat in
f_deriv c f ty.
eapply f_deriv_app.
apply f_deriv_abs.
eapply f_deriv_case.
apply f_deriv_var.
apply f_deriv_nat.
apply f_deriv_nat.
apply f_deriv_inl.
apply f_deriv_nat.
exact ty_unit.
Definition is_term (f : form) := ∃ c A, f_deriv c f A.
Module MaybeMonad.
Let M := fun ty ⇒ ty_sum ty ty_unit.
Definition f_return := f_inl.
Definition f_do p q := f_case p q (f_inr (f_var 0)).
Theorem ret :
∀ c t A,
f_deriv c t A →
f_deriv c (f_return t) (M A).
eauto using f_deriv.
Theorem bind :
∀ c p B q C,
f_deriv c p (M B) →
f_deriv (cupdate (clift 0 1 c) 0 B) q (M C) →
f_deriv c (f_do p q) (M C).
intros c p B q C H1 H2.
unfold f_do.
eapply f_deriv_case.
exact H1.
exact H2.
apply f_deriv_inr.
apply f_deriv_var.
unfold cupdate.
Print Assumptions bind.
End MaybeMonad.