File PCF.Terms

From PCF Require Export Contexts Formulas.

Derivable terms in context

Inductive f_deriv : context form type Prop :=
  | f_deriv_var :
       x A c,
        c x = Some A
        f_deriv c (f_var x) A
  | f_deriv_abs :
       c A t B,
        f_deriv (cupdate (clift 0 1 c) 0 A) t B
        f_deriv c (f_abs t) (ty_func A B)
  | f_deriv_app :
       c s A B t,
        f_deriv c s (ty_func A B)
        f_deriv c t A
        f_deriv c (f_app s t) B

  | f_deriv_star :
        f_deriv c f_star ty_unit
  | f_deriv_nat :
       c n,
        f_deriv c (f_nat n) ty_nat

  | f_deriv_pair :
       c t A s B,
        f_deriv c t A
        f_deriv c s B
        f_deriv c (f_pair t s) (ty_prod A B)
  | f_deriv_fst :
       c t A B,
        f_deriv c t (ty_prod A B)
        f_deriv c (f_fst t) A
  | f_deriv_snd :
       c t A B,
        f_deriv c t (ty_prod A B)
        f_deriv c (f_snd t) B

  | f_deriv_case :
       c b A B p C q,
        f_deriv c b (ty_sum A B)
        f_deriv (cupdate (clift 0 1 c) 0 A) p C
        f_deriv (cupdate (clift 0 1 c) 0 B) q C
        f_deriv c (f_case b p q) C
  | f_deriv_inl :
       c t A B,
        f_deriv c t A
        f_deriv c (f_inl t) (ty_sum A B)
  | f_deriv_inr :
       c t A B,
        f_deriv c t B
        f_deriv c (f_inr t) (ty_sum A B)

  | f_deriv_fix :
       c A,
        f_deriv c (f_fix A) (ty_func (ty_func A A) A)

  | f_deriv_eq :
       c s A t,
        f_deriv c s A
        f_deriv c t A
        (A = ty_unit A = ty_nat)
        f_deriv c (f_eq s t) ty_bool
  | f_deriv_le :
       c t s,
        f_deriv c t ty_nat
        f_deriv c s ty_nat
        f_deriv c (f_le t s) ty_bool
  | f_deriv_lt :
       c t s,
        f_deriv c t ty_nat
        f_deriv c s ty_nat
        f_deriv c (f_lt t s) ty_bool

  | f_deriv_add :
       c t s,
        f_deriv c t ty_nat
        f_deriv c s ty_nat
        f_deriv c (f_add t s) ty_nat
  | f_deriv_sub :
       c t s,
        f_deriv c t ty_nat
        f_deriv c s ty_nat
        f_deriv c (f_sub t s) ty_nat
  | f_deriv_mul :
       c t s,
        f_deriv c t ty_nat
        f_deriv c s ty_nat
        f_deriv c (f_mul t s) ty_nat
  | f_deriv_div :
       c t s,
        f_deriv c t ty_nat
        f_deriv c s ty_nat
        f_deriv c (f_div t s) ty_nat.

Definition is_term (f : form) := c A, f_deriv c f A.

Properties of type derivation

Lemma f_deriv_weakening :
   c1 f T1,
    f_deriv c1 f T1
      ( x T1, c1 x = Some T1 c2 x = Some T1)
      f_deriv c2 f T1.
  induction 1 as
  [x1 T1 c1 H1
  |c1 T1 t T2 H1 IH1
  |c1 s T1 T2 t H1 IH1 H2 IH2

  |c1 n

  |c1 t T1 s T2 H1 IH1 H2 IH2
  |c1 t T1 T2 H1 IH1
  |c1 t T1 T2 H1 IH1

  |c1 b T1 T2 p T3 q H1 IH1 H2 IH2 H3 IH3
  |c1 t T1 T2 H1 IH1
  |c1 t T1 T2 H1 IH1

  |c1 T1
  |c1 s T1 t H1 IH1 H2 IH2 H3
  |c1 t s H1 IH1 H2 IH2
  |c1 t s H1 IH1 H2 IH2

  |c1 t s H1 IH1 H2 IH2
  |c1 t s H1 IH1 H2 IH2
  |c1 t s H1 IH1 H2 IH2
  |c1 t s H1 IH1 H2 IH2
  intros c2 H4;
  eauto using f_deriv.
    apply IH1.
    intros x T3 H5.
    destruct x as [|x].
      exact H5.
      assert (H6 : S x = x + 1). lia.
      rewrite H6.
      erewrite <- H4.
      specialize cupdate_clift_free with (k := 0) (i := 0) (c := c2) (T := T1) (x := x) as H7.
      apply H7.
      cbn in H5.
      rewrite sub_0_r in H5.
      exact H5.
      apply IH1.
      exact H4.
      apply IH2.
      intros x T4 H5.
      destruct x as [|x].
        exact H5.
        assert (H6 : S x = x + 1). lia.
        rewrite H6.
        erewrite <- H4.
        specialize cupdate_clift_free with (k := 0) (i := 0) (c := c2) (T := T1) (x := x) as H7.
        apply H7.
        cbn in H5.
        rewrite sub_0_r in H5.
        exact H5.
      apply IH3.
      intros x T4 H5.
      destruct x as [|x].
        exact H5.
        assert (H6 : S x = x + 1). lia.
        rewrite H6.
        erewrite <- H4.
        specialize cupdate_clift_free with (k := 0) (i := 0) (c := c2) (T := T2) (x := x) as H7.
        apply H7.
        cbn in H5.
        rewrite sub_0_r in H5.
        exact H5.

Lemma f_deriv_cupdate :
   c f T1,
    f_deriv c f T1
     v T2,
      c v = None
      f_deriv (cupdate c v T2) f T1.
  intros c f T1 H1 v T2 H2.
  apply f_deriv_weakening with (c1 := c).
    exact H1.
    intros x T3 H3.
    unfold cupdate.
    destruct (v =? x) eqn:B1.
      apply eqb_eq in B1 as P1.
      subst v.
      rewrite H2 in H3.
      exact H3.

Lemma f_deriv_lift :
   c f T,
    f_deriv c f T
     k i,
      f_deriv (clift k i c) (lift k i f) T.
  induction 1 as
  [x T1 c H1
  |c T1 t T2 H1 IH1
  |c s T1 T2 t H1 IH1 H2 IH2

  |c n

  |c t T1 s T2 H1 IH1 H2 IH2
  |c t T1 T2 H1 IH1
  |c t T1 T2 H1 IH1

  |c b T1 T2 p T3 q H1 IH1 H2 IH2 H3 IH3
  |c t T1 T2 H1 IH1
  |c t T1 T2 H1 IH1

  |c T1
  |c s T1 t H1 IH1 H2 IH2 H3
  |c t s H1 IH1 H2 IH2
  |c t s H1 IH1 H2 IH2
  |c t s H1 IH1 H2 IH2
  |c t s H1 IH1 H2 IH2
  |c t s H1 IH1 H2 IH2
  |c t s H1 IH1 H2 IH2
  intros k i;
  eauto using f_deriv.
    unfold lift.
    destruct (x <? k) eqn:B1; constructor.
      unfold clift.
      rewrite B1.
      exact H1.
      unfold clift.
      apply ltb_nlt in B1 as P1.
      assert (P2 : ¬ x + i < k). lia.
      apply ltb_nlt in P2 as B2.
      rewrite B2.
      assert (P3 : ¬ x + i < k + i). lia.
      apply ltb_nlt in P3 as B3.
      rewrite B3.
      rewrite <- H1.
      f_equal; lia.
    eapply f_deriv_weakening.
      apply IH1.
      intros x T3 H2.
      clear IH1 H1.
      unfold cupdate.
      destruct x as [|x].
        unfold clift in H2.
        assert (P1 : 0 < k + 1). lia.
        apply ltb_lt in P1 as B1.
        rewrite B1 in H2.
        clear P1 B1.
        unfold cupdate in H2.
        cbn in H2.
        exact H2.
        rewrite sub_0_r.
        unfold clift in H2.
        unfold clift.
        destruct (x <? k) eqn:B1.
           apply ltb_lt in B1 as P1.
           assert (P2 : S x < k + 1). lia.
           apply ltb_lt in P2 as B2.
           rewrite B2 in H2.
           unfold cupdate in H2.
           cbn in H2.
           rewrite sub_0_r in H2.
           exact H2.
           apply ltb_nlt in B1 as P1.
           assert (P2 : ¬ S x < k + 1). lia.
           apply ltb_nlt in P2 as B2.
           rewrite B2 in H2.
           clear P2 B2.

           destruct (x <? k + i) eqn:B2.
              apply ltb_lt in B2 as P2.
              assert (P3 : S x < k + 1 + i). lia.
              apply ltb_lt in P3 as B3.
              rewrite B3 in H2.
              exact H2.
              apply ltb_nlt in B2 as P2.
              assert (P3 : ¬ S x < k + 1 + i). lia.
              apply ltb_nlt in P3 as B3.
              rewrite B3 in H2.
              clear B3 P3.

              unfold cupdate in H2.
              destruct (0 =? S x - i) eqn:B3.
                 apply eqb_eq in B3 as P3.
                 apply eqb_neq in B3 as P3.
                 assert (P4 : ¬ S x - i < 0). lia.
                 apply ltb_nlt in P4 as B4.
                 rewrite B4 in H2.
                 assert (P5 : ¬ S x - i < 0 + 1). lia.
                 apply ltb_nlt in P5 as B5.
                 rewrite B5 in H2.
                 rewrite <- H2.
                 f_equal; lia.
      apply IH1.
      eapply f_deriv_weakening.
        apply IH2.
        intros x T4 H4.
        clear IH1 H1.
        unfold cupdate.
        destruct x as [|x].
           unfold clift in H4.
           assert (P1 : 0 < k + 1). lia.
           apply ltb_lt in P1 as B1.
           rewrite B1 in H4.
           clear P1 B1.
           unfold cupdate in H4.
           cbn in H4.
           exact H4.
           rewrite sub_0_r.
           unfold clift in H4.
           unfold clift.
           destruct (x <? k) eqn:B1.
              apply ltb_lt in B1 as P1.
              assert (P2 : S x < k + 1). lia.
              apply ltb_lt in P2 as B2.
              rewrite B2 in H4.
              unfold cupdate in H4.
              cbn in H4.
              rewrite sub_0_r in H4.
              exact H4.
              apply ltb_nlt in B1 as P1.
              assert (P2 : ¬ S x < k + 1). lia.
              apply ltb_nlt in P2 as B2.
              rewrite B2 in H4.
              clear P2 B2.

              destruct (x <? k + i) eqn:B2.
                 apply ltb_lt in B2 as P2.
                 assert (P3 : S x < k + 1 + i). lia.
                 apply ltb_lt in P3 as B3.
                 rewrite B3 in H4.
                 exact H4.
                 apply ltb_nlt in B2 as P2.
                 assert (P3 : ¬ S x < k + 1 + i). lia.
                 apply ltb_nlt in P3 as B3.
                 rewrite B3 in H4.
                 clear B3 P3.

                 unfold cupdate in H4.
                 destruct (0 =? S x - i) eqn:B3.
                     apply eqb_eq in B3 as P3.
                     apply eqb_neq in B3 as P3.
                     assert (P4 : ¬ S x - i < 0). lia.
                     apply ltb_nlt in P4 as B4.
                     rewrite B4 in H4.
                     assert (P5 : ¬ S x - i < 0 + 1). lia.
                     apply ltb_nlt in P5 as B5.
                     rewrite B5 in H4.
                     rewrite <- H4.
                     f_equal; lia.
      eapply f_deriv_weakening.
        apply IH3.
        intros x T4 H4.
        clear IH1 H1.
        unfold cupdate.
        destruct x as [|x].
           unfold clift in H4.
           assert (P1 : 0 < k + 1). lia.
           apply ltb_lt in P1 as B1.
           rewrite B1 in H4.
           clear P1 B1.
           unfold cupdate in H4.
           cbn in H4.
           exact H4.
           rewrite sub_0_r.
           unfold clift in H4.
           unfold clift.
           destruct (x <? k) eqn:B1.
              apply ltb_lt in B1 as P1.
              assert (P2 : S x < k + 1). lia.
              apply ltb_lt in P2 as B2.
              rewrite B2 in H4.
              unfold cupdate in H4.
              cbn in H4.
              rewrite sub_0_r in H4.
              exact H4.
              apply ltb_nlt in B1 as P1.
              assert (P2 : ¬ S x < k + 1). lia.
              apply ltb_nlt in P2 as B2.
              rewrite B2 in H4.
              clear P2 B2.

              destruct (x <? k + i) eqn:B2.
                 apply ltb_lt in B2 as P2.
                 assert (P3 : S x < k + 1 + i). lia.
                 apply ltb_lt in P3 as B3.
                 rewrite B3 in H4.
                 exact H4.
                 apply ltb_nlt in B2 as P2.
                 assert (P3 : ¬ S x < k + 1 + i). lia.
                 apply ltb_nlt in P3 as B3.
                 rewrite B3 in H4.
                 clear B3 P3.

                 unfold cupdate in H4.
                 destruct (0 =? S x - i) eqn:B3.
                     apply eqb_eq in B3 as P3.
                     apply eqb_neq in B3 as P3.
                     assert (P4 : ¬ S x - i < 0). lia.
                     apply ltb_nlt in P4 as B4.
                     rewrite B4 in H4.
                     assert (P5 : ¬ S x - i < 0 + 1). lia.
                     apply ltb_nlt in P5 as B5.
                     rewrite B5 in H4.
                     rewrite <- H4.
                     f_equal; lia.

Derivation of defined formulas

Theorem f_deriv_bool :
   c b,
    f_deriv c (f_bool b) ty_bool.
  intros c [|];
      do 2 constructor.

Theorem f_deriv_ite :
   c b s A t,
    f_deriv c b ty_bool
    f_deriv c s A
    f_deriv c t A
    f_deriv c (f_ite b s t) A.
  eauto using f_deriv_cupdate, f_deriv_lift.

Some Examples

Example f_deriv_ex_1 :
      let f :=
        (f_abs (f_app (f_var 0) (f_nat 3)))
        (f_app (f_abs (f_ite (f_var 0) (f_nat 0) (f_nat 1))) (f_eq (f_nat 3) (f_nat 3)))
      f_deriv c f A.
  intros c;
  apply f_deriv_pair.
    apply f_deriv_abs.
    eapply f_deriv_app.
      apply f_deriv_var.
      apply f_deriv_nat.
    eapply f_deriv_app.
      apply f_deriv_abs.
      apply f_deriv_ite.
        apply f_deriv_var.
        apply f_deriv_nat.
        apply f_deriv_nat.
      eapply f_deriv_eq.
        apply f_deriv_nat.
        apply f_deriv_nat.
        right; reflexivity.
  auto using type.

Example deriv_ex_2 :
  let c := cempty in
  let f1 := f_abs (f_case (f_var 0) (f_nat 42) (f_nat 43)) in
  let f2 := f_inl (f_nat 642) in
  let f := f_app f1 f2 in
  let ty := ty_nat in
  f_deriv c f ty.
  eapply f_deriv_app.
    apply f_deriv_abs.
    eapply f_deriv_case.
      apply f_deriv_var.
      apply f_deriv_nat.
      apply f_deriv_nat.
    apply f_deriv_inl.
    apply f_deriv_nat.
  exact ty_unit.

The Faculty function in PCF

Module Faculty.

  Fixpoint fac (n : nat) :=
    match n with
    | O ⇒ 1
    | S n'n × fac n'

  Definition pcf_fac : form :=
    let b := f_le (f_var 0) (f_nat 1) in
    let m := f_mul (f_var 0) (f_app (f_var 1) (f_sub (f_var 0) (f_nat 1))) in
    let g := f_abs (f_abs (f_ite b (f_nat 1) m)) in
    let fixer := f_fix (ty_func ty_nat ty_nat) in
    f_app (f_app fixer g) (f_var 0).

  Theorem pcf_fac_type :
    {ty : type | f_deriv (cupdate cempty 0 ty_nat) pcf_fac ty}.
    eapply f_deriv_app.
      eapply f_deriv_app.
        apply f_deriv_fix.
        apply f_deriv_abs.
        apply f_deriv_abs.
        apply f_deriv_ite.
          apply f_deriv_le.
             apply f_deriv_var.
             apply f_deriv_nat.
          apply f_deriv_nat.
          apply f_deriv_mul.
             apply f_deriv_var.
             eapply f_deriv_app.
                apply f_deriv_var.
                apply f_deriv_sub.
                   apply f_deriv_var.
                   apply f_deriv_nat.
      apply f_deriv_var.

  Compute proj1_sig pcf_fac_type.

End Faculty.

The Maybe Monad: FX = X + 1

Module MaybeMonad.

  Let M := fun tyty_sum ty ty_unit.

  Definition f_return := f_inl.

  Definition f_do p q := f_case p q (f_inr (f_var 0)).

  Theorem ret :
     c t A,
      f_deriv c t A
      f_deriv c (f_return t) (M A).
    eauto using f_deriv.

  Theorem bind :
     c p B q C,
      f_deriv c p (M B)
      f_deriv (cupdate (clift 0 1 c) 0 B) q (M C)
      f_deriv c (f_do p q) (M C).
    intros c p B q C H1 H2.
    unfold f_do.
    eapply f_deriv_case.
      exact H1.
      exact H2.
      apply f_deriv_inr.
      apply f_deriv_var.
      unfold cupdate.

  Print Assumptions bind.
End MaybeMonad.