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KalahState - Class in info.kwarc.kalah
A Kalah board representation keeping track of turns.
KalahState(int, int) - Constructor for class info.kwarc.kalah.KalahState
Creates a board of @param board_size pits with @param seeds each.
KalahState(KalahState) - Constructor for class info.kwarc.kalah.KalahState
Creates a copy of the given Board.
KalahState.GameResult - Enum in info.kwarc.kalah
Enum for possible game outcomes.
KalahState.Player - Enum in info.kwarc.kalah
The players are North and South.
KNOWN_LOSS - info.kwarc.kalah.KalahState.GameResult
Not all houses are empty, but the other player has more than half of all seeds in their store, so it's known that the current player will lose.
KNOWN_WIN - info.kwarc.kalah.KalahState.GameResult
Not all houses are empty, but the current player has more than half of all seeds in their store, so it's known that the current player will win.
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