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Consultation Hours

Satisfied users and a smoothly running work environment are our highest goals. In order to provide you with the hardware and software you need to fulfill your tasks, we need your help.

... just visit one of our consultation hours!

When & Where?

During the semester, consultation hours are held on several days as listed below. On holidays, there are no consultation hours.

The current times are:

Day Time Room
Tuesday 12:00 - 13:00 See Sign in front of CIP1
Wednesday 15:00 - 16:00 See Sign in front of CIP1

If you are not on-site we can still be reached by e-mail as usual.

The display beside the door of room 01.155-113 (first floor, CIP 1) shows where you can find the administrator. If the display doesn't light up for any room, there is no consultation hour at this moment.

A picture of a display panel, next to the door of CIP1. If you have difficulty reading the display panel, because you have e.g. severe vision problems, you can of course send us an e-mail in advance, in which you express your interest in coming to our consultation hours. Then, of course, we can give you a guarantee in advance where the consultation hours will be.
