
Starting with the winter semesters of 2023/2024 the remote.cip.cs.fau.de online service has been terminated due to unjustifiable maintenance costs.

It is still possible to use the underlying Xpra application to spawn a remote desktop session though.

Using the Xpra application

Press the start button of the application:

A screenshot of an xpra-application-window. Choose the start-button.

The following input starts a desktop with a Xfce-Session, the hostname is just an example:

A screenshot of an xpra-application-window. The window configures how a xpra-connection is supposed to be happening. Relevant information: Session: Desktop Session; Host: Remote; Connectiontyp: SSH; Connectionpartner: <idm-Kennung>@cip1e3.cip.cs.fau.de:22; Desktop Environment: xfce4-session; exit with application: True; exit with client: True; Click on Start&Attach.

To start an application, use the following input:

A screenshot of an xpra-application-window. The window configures how a xpra-connection is supposed to be happening. Relevant Information: Session: Seamless Session; Host: Remote; Connectiontyp: Connectionpartner: <idm-Kennung>@cip1e3.cip.cs.fau.de:22; Command: intellij-idea; exit with application: True; exit with client: True; Click on Start&Attach.

One has to enter the application in the "Command"-field, "intellij-idea" is just an example. Applications can as well be referenced by their absolute pathname, e.g. "/proj/i4spic/bin/editor" for the spic-ide.

Using a terminal

The following command starts a desktop with a Xfce-Session:

xpra start-desktop ssh://yourloginname@hostname/ --start-child=xfce4-session --exit-with-children

To start an application, use the following syntax:

xpra start ssh://yourloginname@hostname/ --start=<APPLICATION | path-to-binary>

Thus, if one wants to start IntelliJ IDEA, the command is: xpra start ssh://yourloginname@hostname/ --start=intellij-idea or if one wants to start the spic-ide, the command is: xpra start ssh://yourloginname@hostname/ --start=/proj/i4spic/bin/editor

Installation and requests

More information about using and installing Xpra with native clients can be found on the Xpra homepage.

If you need another application for a course, which is not available like this, you can request it by e-mail.