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More HDMI cables

From now on each monitor from the open cip rooms has an HDMI cable connected to it. You can use it for your Dual-Monitor-Setup. Have fun with it! :D

-- Leo Herbst

Posted Wed 18 Sep 2024 12:00:00 AM CEST

New Xpra-Version

The latest Xpra version (6.1.1) is now installed on the Cip computers. Connecting from computers with older Xpra versions may no longer work.

-- Maximilian Rumi

Posted Sat 10 Aug 2024 12:00:00 AM CEST

Maintenance on 2024-08-10

Due to server maintenance outages of all CIP services are to be expected, the NFS at /proj/ciptmp will be affected the most.

-- Michael Pien

Posted Wed 07 Aug 2024 12:00:00 AM CEST

CIP1 and WinCIP closed starting on 2024-07-22

Due to renovation work, CIP1 (01.155-113) and WinCIP (01.153-113) will be closed starting on 2024-07-22. CIP1N (01.155N-113) will remain available.

-- Lorena Kretzschmar

Posted Wed 10 Jul 2024 12:00:00 AM CEST

Maintenance work 2024-07-06

Due to maintenance work, there will be outages of ALL CIP-related services (including CIP login, GitLab, and VPN) on 2024-07-06 between 11:00 and 14:00.

-- Lorena Kretzschmar

Posted Wed 03 Jul 2024 12:00:00 AM CEST

ps2acip printer unavailable

As the CIP2 (02.151) has been closed due to construction works, two printers have been swapped. The color printing unit (ps2ccip) is now available in the BibCIP, whereas the original unit (ps2acip) is temporarily out of service for the foreseeable future.

-- Luca Spotka

Posted Mon 24 Jun 2024 12:00:00 AM CEST

GCPC on 2024-06-22 in CIP1 and WinCIP

Due to GCPC, CIP1 (01.155-113) and WinCIP (01.153-113) are unavailable for normal use all day on 2024-06-22.

-- Lorena Kretzschmar

Posted Thu 20 Jun 2024 12:00:00 AM CEST

Restrictions on the usability of CIP pools starting at 2024-06-12

From 2024-06-12, renovation work will take place in the computer science tower. The CIP2 (02.151-113) will be completely inaccessible and therefore unusable. The clients in CIP2 will be switched off to save energy.

In addition, there will be minor restrictions in CIP1 (01.155-113) and WinCIP (01.153-113). A few workstations will be dismantled or relocated. The WinCIP will only be accessible through the neighboring i6-CIP.

-- Lorena Kretzschmar

Posted Sat 25 May 2024 12:00:00 AM CEST

Reboot of the cipsrv02 hypervisor

05/16/2024 at around 12:00 PM, the hypervisor cipsrv02 will be rebooted as a result of some maintenance works. The attached cipterm0 as well as ircbox will be intermittenly unavailable for a short period of time.

-- Luca Spotka

Posted Wed 15 May 2024 12:00:00 AM CEST

Maintenance works starting from 2024-03-05

From 2024-03-05 to approximately 2024-03-08 regular semiannual maintenance works have been scheduled. Expect outages of various systems (Gitlab, File-Storage, Networking).

-- Luca Spotka

Posted Tue 05 Mar 2024 12:00:00 AM CET

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